Open Test Framework  
OTX Naming Conventions

The following naming conventions apply to most of the names within an OTX solution:

  • Root node (solution node)
    • No naming conventions.
  • Project
    • The name of an OTX project will only contain letters, numbers, underscores and dashes. Please note that with the OTF release (or older version), the total length of the path to the project will be less than 260 characters (e.g. D:\Solution1\Project1\Project1.otfPrj < 260 characters).
  • Package
    • The naming convention is based on the following regular expression: " [a-zA-Z] [a-zA-Z0-9] *(\.[)"a-zA-Z] [a-zA-Z0-9]*)*" "
    • It is divided into one or more parts of alphanumeric characters separated by a period ("."). Each part begins with a letter followed by alphanumeric characters and corresponds to the name of the folder in the file system.
      • Correct examples:
        • "Packages.SubPackage1.SubSubPackage1"
        • "My10Package"
      • Incorrect examples:
        • "Packages._SubPackage1.OTX"
        • "MesSéquencesTest"
        • "10thPackage"
        • ""
  • OtxName
    • The naming convention is based on the following regular expression: " _ * [a-zA-Z] [a-zA-Z0-9_] * "
    • It starts with a letter (optionally preceded by one or many underscore characters); all the following characters are alphanumeric characters, including underscores ("_").
      • Correct examples:
        • "MySignature"
        • "__variable10"
        • "COS"
        • "_p2"
      • Incorrect examples:
        • "8x"
        • "___"
        • ""
  • OtxLink
    • The naming convention follows the following regular expression: " (_ * [a-zA-Z] [a-zA-Z0-9_] * :) _ * [a-zA-Z] [a-zA-Z0-9_]? * "
    • For internal references the naming convention corresponds to the OtxName.
    • If the referenced element is outside of the current document, a prefix followed by a colon is prepended. The prefix also corresponds to the OtxName (OtxName:OtxName).
      • Correct examples:
        • "MyDocument"
        • "Y"
        • "Doc1:mySignature10"
        • "Constants:Omega"
      • Incorrect examples:
        • "_9a"
        • "1202:contextVariable1"
        • ""
  • OTL Keywords
    • For the reason of syncing between the designer and the OTL editor, the OpenTestFramework does not support creating elements with the same names as the OTL keywords (case sensitive); see OTL keywords for more information.