OTX Reference  
OpenTestSystem.Otx.Extensions.DiagDataBrowsingPlus.Terms Namespace Reference

Lists all Terms. More...


class  DbComChannelTerm
 A DbComChannelTerm is a term that returns a DbComChannel More...
class  DbComChannelValue
 Reading of data type value More...
class  DbDiagServiceTerm
 A DbDiagServiceTerm is a term that returns a DbDiagService More...
class  DbDiagServiceValue
 Reading of data type value More...
class  DbDiagTroubleCodeTerm
 A DbDiagTroubleCodeTerm is a term that returns a DbDiagTroubleCode. More...
class  DbDiagTroubleCodeValue
 Reading of data type value More...
class  DbEnvDataDescTerm
 A DbEnvDataDescTerm is a term that returns a DbEnvDataDesc. More...
class  DbEnvDataDescValue
 Reading of data type value More...
class  DbFaultMemoryTerm
 A DbFaultMemoryTerm is a term that returns a DbFaultMemory. More...
class  DbFaultMemoryValue
 Reading of data type value More...
class  DbMatchingParameterTerm
 A DbMatchingParameterTerm is a term that returns a DbMatchingParameter. More...
class  DbMatchingParameterValue
 Reading of data type value More...
class  DbObjectTerm
 A DbObjectTerm is a term that returns a DbObject. More...
class  DbObjectValue
 Reading of data type value More...
class  DbParameterTerm
 A DbParameterTerm is a term that returns a DbParameter. More...
class  DbParameterValue
 Reading of data type value More...
class  DbRequestTerm
 A DbRequestTerm is a term that returns a DbRequest. More...
class  DbRequestValue
 Reading of data type value More...
class  DbResponseTerm
 A DbResponseTerm is a term that returns a DbResponse. More...
class  DbResponseValue
 Reading of data type value More...
class  DbSpecialDataElementTerm
 A DbSpecialDataElementTerm is a term that returns a DbSpecialDataElement. More...
class  DbSpecialDataElementValue
 Reading of data type value More...
class  DbSpecialDataGroupTerm
 A DbSpecialDataGroupTerm is a term that returns a DbSpecialDataGroup. More...
class  DbSpecialDataGroupValue
 Reading of data type value More...
class  DbSubComponentTerm
 A DbSubComponentTerm is a term that returns a DbSubComponent. More...
class  DbSubComponentValue
 Reading of data type value More...
class  DbTableTerm
 A DbTableTerm is a term that returns a DbTable. More...
class  DbTableValue
 Reading of data type value More...
class  GetComChannelDbComChannel
 This term returns the the database part (MCDDbLogicalLink) of a diag:ComChannel (MCDLogicalLink) More...
class  GetDbComChannel
 This term returns the MCDDbLogicalLink. More...
class  GetDbComChannelDbDiagServices
 Returns a list of DbDiagService objects. More...
class  GetDbComChannelDbEnvDataDescs
 Get a list of all DbEnvDataDesc More...
class  GetDbComChannelDbFaultMemories
 Get a list of all DbFaultMemory More...
class  GetDbComChannelDbSubComponents
 Get a list of all DbSubComponent (MCDDbSubComponent) More...
class  GetDbComChannelDbTables
 Get a list of all DbTable (McdDbTable). More...
class  GetDbComChannelProtocolType
 Returns the protocol type as a string. More...
class  GetDbDiagServiceAudienceStates
 Returns a list of strings of all audience attribute names More...
class  GetDbDiagServiceDbFunctionalClasses
 Returns a list of String of names of DbFunctionalClasses More...
class  GetDbDiagServiceDbPreConditionStatesBySemantic
 Get a list of String of ECU state SHORT-NAMEs More...
class  GetDbDiagServiceDbRequest
 Returns a DbRequest object which represents the MCDDbRequest for the given DbDiagService More...
class  GetDbDiagServiceDbResponses
 Returns a list of DbResponse objects which represents the MCDDbResponses for the given DbDiagService More...
class  GetDbDiagServiceDbSpecialDataGroups
 Get a list of DbSpecialDataGroup (SDG) for the corresponding DbDiagService in the project's data bases. More...
class  GetDbDiagServiceDisabledAdditionalAudiences
 Returns a list of strings of the short names of all disabled "Additional Audiences"(MCDDbAdditionalAudiences). More...
class  GetDbDiagServiceEnabledAdditionalAudiences
 Get a list of strings of the short names of all enabled "Additional Audiences" (MCDDbAdditionalAudiences). More...
class  GetDbDiagServiceIsApiExecutable
 Get the information from the data base, if this DbDiagService is executable at the interface (True) or only within the D-System (False) More...
class  GetDbDiagServiceSemantic
 Get the value of the semantic attribute for that DbDiagService out of the ODX file as a string More...
class  GetDbDiagTroubleCodeDisplayTroubleCode
 The DisplayTroubleCode of DbDiagTroubleCode More...
class  GetDbDiagTroubleCodeDTCText
 The text of DbDiagTroubleCode More...
class  GetDbDiagTroubleCodeLevel
 The level of DbDiagTroubleCode More...
class  GetDbDiagTroubleCodeSpecialDataGroups
 Get the special data groups defined for the corresponding DTC in the project's data bases as a list of DbSpecialDataGroup objects More...
class  GetDbDiagTroubleCodeTextId
 The text ID (TI) of DbDiagTroubleCode More...
class  GetDbDiagTroubleCodeTroubleCode
 The TroubleCode of DbDiagTroubleCode More...
class  GetDbEcuVariantList
 Returns a list of strings which represents the names of all ECU variants for a given logical link More...
class  GetDbEnvDataDescCommonDbEnvDatas
 Get a list of DbParameter More...
class  GetDbEnvDataDescSpecificDbEnvDatas
 Get a list of DbParameter More...
class  GetDbFaultMemoryDiagTroubleCodeByTroubleCode
 Get the DbDiagTroubleCode More...
class  GetDbFaultMemoryDiagTroubleCodes
 Get a list of DbDiagTroubleCode More...
class  GetDbMatchingParameterDbResponseParameter
 Returns the corresponding DbParameter (MCDDbResponseParameter) responsible for the matching parameter More...
class  GetDbMatchingParameterExpectedValueAsString
 Get the expected value of the matching parameter as a string. More...
class  GetDbObjectDescription
 Returns the Description of the object which can also be empty (Description is not mandatory) More...
class  GetDbObjectDescriptionID
 Return the ID for the Description of the object as a string which is made for multi language purposes More...
class  GetDbObjectLongName
 Returns the LongName of the object as a string More...
class  GetDbObjectLongNameID
 Return the ID for the LongName of the object as a string which is made for multi language purposes More...
class  GetDbObjectShortName
 Returns the ShortName of the object More...
class  GetDbObjectTypeAsString
 Returns the MCDObjectType of the related MCDObject as string More...
class  GetDbObjectUniqueObjectIdentifier
 Returns the unique object ID of the object as a string More...
class  GetDbParameterAudienceStates
 Get a list of strings of all Audiences More...
class  GetDbParameterBitLength
 The bit length of the parameter in the PDU. More...
class  GetDbParameterBitPos
 The bit position of the parameter. More...
class  GetDbParameterByteLength
 The byte length of the parameter in the PDU. More...
class  GetDbParameterCodedDefaultValueAsString
 The coded default value of the parameter as string. More...
class  GetDbParameterDataType
 The data type of the parameter. More...
class  GetDbParameterDecimalPlaces
 The number of valid decimal places of the parameter. More...
class  GetDbParameterDefaultValueAsString
 The compu default value of the parameter as string. More...
class  GetDbParameterDisabledAdditionalAudiences
 Get a list of strings (Shortnames) of all disabled Additional Audiences More...
class  GetDbParameterDisplayLevel
 The display level of the parameter. More...
class  GetDbParameterDisplayUnitAsString
 Get the display unit information of the DbParameter as a string More...
class  GetDbParameterEnabledAdditionalAudiences
 Get a list of strings (Shortnames) of all enabled Additional Audiences. More...
class  GetDbParameterKeysAsString
 Returns a list the key in the parameter. More...
class  GetDbParameterLengthKey
 The corresponding parameter with type eLENGTHKEY for this parameter with variable length. More...
class  GetDbParameterMaxLength
 The maximum length in bytes of the parameter or the maximum count of items. More...
class  GetDbParameterMaxNumberOfItems
 Get 1 in case of a simple parameter type or eSTRUCTURE or the maximum number of items of a parameter of type eEND_OF_PDU. More...
class  GetDbParameterMcdParameterType
 Returns the type of the parameter (MCDParameterType). More...
class  GetDbParameterMinLength
 The minimum length in bytes of the parameter or the minimum count of items. More...
class  GetDbParameterNrcConstValues
 Get a list of Integer, containing the coded values of the NRC-CONST element of the parameter (MCDDbResponseParameter) More...
class  GetDbParameterODXBytePos
 The Byte position, which is available in ODX. More...
class  GetDbParameterRadix
 The display radix of the parameter. More...
class  GetDbParameters
 The List of child Parameters More...
class  GetDbParameterSemantic
 Get the semantic attribute defined in ODX as a string. More...
class  GetDbParameterSpecialDataGroups
 Get the special data groups defined for the corresponding DbParameter in the project's data bases as a list. More...
class  GetDbParameterStructureByKey
 The list parameter which represents the content of the STRUCTURE. More...
class  GetDbParameterTable
 Returns the DbTable parameter structure of the DbParameter, if available. More...
class  GetDbParameterTableKeyParam
 The Parameters of type eTABLE_KEY. More...
class  GetDbParameterTableStructParams
 List parameters of type eTABLE_STRUCT. More...
class  GetDbParameterTextTableElements
 Get all table entries of the parameter, as a List of DbTextTableElements More...
class  GetDbParameterValidInternalIntervals
 Get the list of valid internal Interval objects defined by the intersection of COMPUSCALE intervals and valid ranges in ODX More...
class  GetDbParameterValidPhysicalIntervals
 Get a list of valid physical interval objects defined by the intersection of COMPUSCALE intervals and valid ranges in ODX More...
class  GetDbRequestDbParameters
 Returns a list of DbParameter objects which represents the MCDDbRequestParameters for the given DbRequest More...
class  GetDbRequestDbSpecialDataGroups
 Get a list of DbSpecialDataGroup (SDG) from DbRequest. More...
class  GetDbRequestDefaultPDU
 Returns the default PDU of the DbRequest as a ByteField More...
class  GetDbRequestPDUMaxLength
 Returns the maximum PDU length of the DbRequest More...
class  GetDbRequestPDUMinLength
 Returns the minimum PDU length of the DbRequest More...
class  GetDbResponseDbParameters
 Returns a list of DbParameter objects which represents the MCDDbResponseParameters for the given DbResponse More...
class  GetDbResponseDbSpecialDataGroups
 Get a list of DbSpecialDataGroup (SDG) from DbResponse. More...
class  GetDbResponseResponseType
 Returns the type MCDResponseType of this response More...
class  GetDbSpecialDataElementContent
 The content of the DbSpecialData More...
class  GetDbSpecialDataElementSemanticInformation
 The Semantic Information (SI) of the DbSpecialDataElement More...
class  GetDbSpecialDataElementTextId
 The text ID (TI) of the DbSpecialDataElement More...
class  GetDbSpecialDataGroupCaption
 Get the shortname of the MCDDbSpecialDataGroupCaption More...
class  GetDbSpecialDataGroupHasCaption
 Check the availability of a Caption element More...
class  GetDbSpecialDataGroupSemanticInformation
 The Semantic Information (SI) of the DbSpecialDataGroup Caption More...
class  GetDbSpecialDataGroupSpecialDataElements
 A list of DbSpecialDataElement (SD) of the DbSpecialDataGroup More...
class  GetDbSpecialDataGroupSpecialDataGroups
 A list of DbSpecialDataGroup (SDG) of the DbSpecialDataGroup More...
class  GetDbSubComponentDbDiagServices
 Get a list of strings containing the short names of all diagnostic services for the DbSubComponent that is available in ODX. More...
class  GetDbSubComponentDbDiagTroubleCodes
 Get a list of DbDiagTroubleCode for the DbSubComponent which is available in ODX More...
class  GetDbSubComponentDbEnvDataDescs
 Get a list of DbEnvDataDesc for the DbSubComponent which is available in ODX. More...
class  GetDbSubComponentDbFaultMemories
 Get a list of DbFaultMemory for the DbSubComponent which is available in ODX. More...
class  GetDbSubComponentDbInParams
 Get a Map[String, List[DbParameters]] which contains all available MCDDbRequestParameter of the DbSubComponent. More...
class  GetDbSubComponentDbMatchingParameters
 Get a List[List[DbMatchingParameter]] for the DbSubComponent which is available in ODX. More...
class  GetDbSubComponentDbOutParams
 Get a Map[String,List[DbParameters]] which contains all available MCDDbResponseParameter of the DbSubComponent. More...
class  GetDbSubComponentDbResponseParameters
 Get a list of DbParameter for the DbSubComponent which is available in ODX. More...
class  GetDbSubComponentDbTableParameters
 Get a list of DbParamter (MCDDbTableParameter). More...
class  GetDbSubComponentDbTables
 Get a list of DbTable for the DbSubComponent which is available in ODX. More...
class  GetDbSubComponentSemantic
 Get the value of the semantic attribute for that DbSubComponent out of the ODX file as a string. More...
class  GetDbTableDbTableRows
 Returns all table rows contained in this table as a Map<String, DbParameter>. More...
class  GetDbTableDiagComPrimitiveByConnectorSemantic
 Returns the DiagService which is referenced from the current table by means of a TABLE-DIAG-COM-CONNECTOR of the given semantic. More...
class  GetDbTableDiagComPrimitives
 Returns a List of DbDiagService referenced by the current DbTable. More...
class  GetDbTableKeys
 Returns the key values of all table rows in this table as a List of Strings. More...
class  GetDbTableParameterKeyAsString
 Get the value of the key associated with the DbParameter in the corresponding DbTable (MCDDbTableParameter). More...
class  GetDbTableSemantic
 Returns the value of the semantic attribute attached to the corresponding DbTable. More...
class  GetDbTableSpecialDataGroups
 Get the special data groups defined for the corresponding TABLE in the project's databases as a list of DbSpecialDataGroup. More...
class  GetDiagServiceDbDiagService
 This term returns the the data base part (MCDDbDiagComPrimitive) of a diag:DiagService (MCDDiagComPrimitive) More...
class  GetIntervalLowerLimitAsString
 Get the lower limit of the text table element of the parameter as string More...
class  GetIntervalLowerLimitTypeAsString
 Get the lower limit type of the text table element of the parameter as string More...
class  GetIntervalUpperLimitAsString
 Get the upper limit of the text table element of the parameter as string More...
class  GetIntervalUpperLimitTypeAsString
 Get the upper limit type of the text table element of the parameter as string More...
class  GetParameterDbDiagTroubleCode
 Get the DbDiagTroubleCode More...
class  GetParameterDbParameter
 Get DbParameter from Parameter More...
class  GetParameterDecimalPlaces
 Returns the number of valid decimal places of the parameter More...
class  GetParameterDisplayUnitAsString
 Returns the display unit information of the diag:Parameter as a string More...
class  GetParameterRadix
 Returns the display radix of the parameter More...
class  GetRequestDbRequest
 This term returns the the data base part (MCDDbRequest) of a diag:Request (MCDRequest) More...
class  GetResponseDbResponse
 This term returns the data base part MCDDbResponse of a diag:Response (MCDResponse) More...
class  GetTextTableElementInterval
 Get the Interval of the text table element More...
class  GetTextTableElementLongName
 Get the LongName of the text table element More...
class  GetTextTableElementLongNameID
 Get the ID for the LongName of the text table element More...
class  IntervalTerm
 A IntervalTerm is a term that returns a Interval. More...
class  IntervalValue
 Reading of data type value More...
class  IsDbDiagServiceJob
 Returns True if the DbDiagService is a job otherwise False More...
class  IsDbDiagServiceRepetitive
 Returns True if MVCI-Server returns eREPEATED in getRepetitionMode otherwise False More...
class  IsDbParameterConstant
 Check this parameter is of ODX type CODED-CONST / PHYS-CONST or not. More...
class  IsDbParameterVariableLength
 Check this parameter is of variable length. More...
class  IsDiagTroubleCodeParameter
 Check this parameter is of data type DiagTroubleCode (eDTC) or not. More...
class  IsFloatParameter
 Returns True whether the value of this diag:Parameter is of data type Float (FLOAT32, FLOAT64) More...
class  IsIntegerParameter
 Returns True whether the value of this diag:Parameter is of data type Integer (INT16, INT32, INT64, INT8, UINT16, UINT32, UINT64, UINT8, DTC, END_OF_PDU, ENVDATA, ENVDATADESC, FIELD, MULTIPLEXER, STRUCTURE, LENGTHKEY, TABLE_ROW) More...
class  IsParameterConstant
 Returns true whether this parameter is of type CODED-CONST, NRC_CONST or PHYS-CONST. More...
class  IsTextTableParameter
 Returns True whether the value of this diag:Parameter is of data type TextTable (eTEXTTABLE). More...
class  McdDataTypeLiteral
 Returns a McdDataType value from a hard-coded literal. More...
class  McdDataTypeTerm
 A McdDataTypeTerm is a term that returns a MCDDataType. More...
class  McdDataTypeValue
 Reading of data type value More...
class  McdParameterTypeLiteral
 Returns a McdParameterType value from a hard-coded literal. More...
class  McdParameterTypeTerm
 A McdParameterTypeTerm is a term that returns a McdParameterType. More...
class  McdParameterTypeValue
 Reading of data type value More...
class  McdResponseTypeLiteral
 Returns a McdResponseType value from a hard-coded literal. More...
class  McdResponseTypeTerm
 A McdResponseTypeTerm is a term that returns a McdResponseType. More...
class  McdResponseTypeValue
 Reading of data type value More...
class  TextTableElementTerm
 A TextTableElementTerm is a term that returns a TextTableElement. More...
class  TextTableElementValue
 Reading of data type value More...

Detailed Description

Lists all Terms.

OTX terms represent syntactic expressions which can be evaluated in order to yield a value. The resulting value of a term can be a simple value (e.g. an integer in the OTX Integer case) or a reference to complex data (e.g. a reference to a list in the OTX List case). Terms are required in various places in the data model, when a value needs to be computed which is then e.g. assigned to a variable, used as an input parameter for a procedure call, or used as the condition truth value in a branch, etc. Every OTX term is categorized according to its return type.

OTX terms never have side-effects – this means that the arguments of a term will not be changed by term evaluation.
The abstract OTX Core terms are extensible. This means that OTX extensions may derive new terms from any of the abstract term categories defined in the OTX Core.