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OTX Reference
Classes | |
class | DbComChannelTerm |
A DbComChannelTerm is a term that returns a DbComChannel More... | |
class | DbComChannelValue |
Reading of data type value More... | |
class | DbDiagServiceTerm |
A DbDiagServiceTerm is a term that returns a DbDiagService More... | |
class | DbDiagServiceValue |
Reading of data type value More... | |
class | DbDiagTroubleCodeTerm |
A DbDiagTroubleCodeTerm is a term that returns a DbDiagTroubleCode. More... | |
class | DbDiagTroubleCodeValue |
Reading of data type value More... | |
class | DbEnvDataDescTerm |
A DbEnvDataDescTerm is a term that returns a DbEnvDataDesc. More... | |
class | DbEnvDataDescValue |
Reading of data type value More... | |
class | DbFaultMemoryTerm |
A DbFaultMemoryTerm is a term that returns a DbFaultMemory. More... | |
class | DbFaultMemoryValue |
Reading of data type value More... | |
class | DbMatchingParameterTerm |
A DbMatchingParameterTerm is a term that returns a DbMatchingParameter. More... | |
class | DbMatchingParameterValue |
Reading of data type value More... | |
class | DbObjectTerm |
A DbObjectTerm is a term that returns a DbObject. More... | |
class | DbObjectValue |
Reading of data type value More... | |
class | DbParameterTerm |
A DbParameterTerm is a term that returns a DbParameter. More... | |
class | DbParameterValue |
Reading of data type value More... | |
class | DbRequestTerm |
A DbRequestTerm is a term that returns a DbRequest. More... | |
class | DbRequestValue |
Reading of data type value More... | |
class | DbResponseTerm |
A DbResponseTerm is a term that returns a DbResponse. More... | |
class | DbResponseValue |
Reading of data type value More... | |
class | DbSpecialDataElementTerm |
A DbSpecialDataElementTerm is a term that returns a DbSpecialDataElement. More... | |
class | DbSpecialDataElementValue |
Reading of data type value More... | |
class | DbSpecialDataGroupTerm |
A DbSpecialDataGroupTerm is a term that returns a DbSpecialDataGroup. More... | |
class | DbSpecialDataGroupValue |
Reading of data type value More... | |
class | DbSubComponentTerm |
A DbSubComponentTerm is a term that returns a DbSubComponent. More... | |
class | DbSubComponentValue |
Reading of data type value More... | |
class | DbTableTerm |
A DbTableTerm is a term that returns a DbTable. More... | |
class | DbTableValue |
Reading of data type value More... | |
class | GetComChannelDbComChannel |
This term returns the the database part (MCDDbLogicalLink) of a diag:ComChannel (MCDLogicalLink) More... | |
class | GetDbComChannel |
This term returns the MCDDbLogicalLink. More... | |
class | GetDbComChannelDbDiagServices |
Returns a list of DbDiagService objects. More... | |
class | GetDbComChannelDbEnvDataDescs |
Get a list of all DbEnvDataDesc More... | |
class | GetDbComChannelDbFaultMemories |
Get a list of all DbFaultMemory More... | |
class | GetDbComChannelDbSubComponents |
Get a list of all DbSubComponent (MCDDbSubComponent) More... | |
class | GetDbComChannelDbTables |
Get a list of all DbTable (McdDbTable). More... | |
class | GetDbComChannelProtocolType |
Returns the protocol type as a string. More... | |
class | GetDbDiagServiceAudienceStates |
Returns a list of strings of all audience attribute names More... | |
class | GetDbDiagServiceDbFunctionalClasses |
Returns a list of String of names of DbFunctionalClasses More... | |
class | GetDbDiagServiceDbPreConditionStatesBySemantic |
Get a list of String of ECU state SHORT-NAMEs More... | |
class | GetDbDiagServiceDbRequest |
Returns a DbRequest object which represents the MCDDbRequest for the given DbDiagService More... | |
class | GetDbDiagServiceDbResponses |
Returns a list of DbResponse objects which represents the MCDDbResponses for the given DbDiagService More... | |
class | GetDbDiagServiceDbSpecialDataGroups |
Get a list of DbSpecialDataGroup (SDG) for the corresponding DbDiagService in the project's data bases. More... | |
class | GetDbDiagServiceDisabledAdditionalAudiences |
Returns a list of strings of the short names of all disabled "Additional Audiences"(MCDDbAdditionalAudiences). More... | |
class | GetDbDiagServiceEnabledAdditionalAudiences |
Get a list of strings of the short names of all enabled "Additional Audiences" (MCDDbAdditionalAudiences). More... | |
class | GetDbDiagServiceIsApiExecutable |
Get the information from the data base, if this DbDiagService is executable at the interface (True) or only within the D-System (False) More... | |
class | GetDbDiagServiceSemantic |
Get the value of the semantic attribute for that DbDiagService out of the ODX file as a string More... | |
class | GetDbDiagTroubleCodeDisplayTroubleCode |
The DisplayTroubleCode of DbDiagTroubleCode More... | |
class | GetDbDiagTroubleCodeDTCText |
The text of DbDiagTroubleCode More... | |
class | GetDbDiagTroubleCodeLevel |
The level of DbDiagTroubleCode More... | |
class | GetDbDiagTroubleCodeSpecialDataGroups |
Get the special data groups defined for the corresponding DTC in the project's data bases as a list of DbSpecialDataGroup objects More... | |
class | GetDbDiagTroubleCodeTextId |
The text ID (TI) of DbDiagTroubleCode More... | |
class | GetDbDiagTroubleCodeTroubleCode |
The TroubleCode of DbDiagTroubleCode More... | |
class | GetDbEcuVariantList |
Returns a list of strings which represents the names of all ECU variants for a given logical link More... | |
class | GetDbEnvDataDescCommonDbEnvDatas |
Get a list of DbParameter More... | |
class | GetDbEnvDataDescSpecificDbEnvDatas |
Get a list of DbParameter More... | |
class | GetDbFaultMemoryDiagTroubleCodeByTroubleCode |
Get the DbDiagTroubleCode More... | |
class | GetDbFaultMemoryDiagTroubleCodes |
Get a list of DbDiagTroubleCode More... | |
class | GetDbMatchingParameterDbResponseParameter |
Returns the corresponding DbParameter (MCDDbResponseParameter) responsible for the matching parameter More... | |
class | GetDbMatchingParameterExpectedValueAsString |
Get the expected value of the matching parameter as a string. More... | |
class | GetDbObjectDescription |
Returns the Description of the object which can also be empty (Description is not mandatory) More... | |
class | GetDbObjectDescriptionID |
Return the ID for the Description of the object as a string which is made for multi language purposes More... | |
class | GetDbObjectLongName |
Returns the LongName of the object as a string More... | |
class | GetDbObjectLongNameID |
Return the ID for the LongName of the object as a string which is made for multi language purposes More... | |
class | GetDbObjectShortName |
Returns the ShortName of the object More... | |
class | GetDbObjectTypeAsString |
Returns the MCDObjectType of the related MCDObject as string More... | |
class | GetDbObjectUniqueObjectIdentifier |
Returns the unique object ID of the object as a string More... | |
class | GetDbParameterAudienceStates |
Get a list of strings of all Audiences More... | |
class | GetDbParameterBitLength |
The bit length of the parameter in the PDU. More... | |
class | GetDbParameterBitPos |
The bit position of the parameter. More... | |
class | GetDbParameterByteLength |
The byte length of the parameter in the PDU. More... | |
class | GetDbParameterCodedDefaultValueAsString |
The coded default value of the parameter as string. More... | |
class | GetDbParameterDataType |
The data type of the parameter. More... | |
class | GetDbParameterDecimalPlaces |
The number of valid decimal places of the parameter. More... | |
class | GetDbParameterDefaultValueAsString |
The compu default value of the parameter as string. More... | |
class | GetDbParameterDisabledAdditionalAudiences |
Get a list of strings (Shortnames) of all disabled Additional Audiences More... | |
class | GetDbParameterDisplayLevel |
The display level of the parameter. More... | |
class | GetDbParameterDisplayUnitAsString |
Get the display unit information of the DbParameter as a string More... | |
class | GetDbParameterEnabledAdditionalAudiences |
Get a list of strings (Shortnames) of all enabled Additional Audiences. More... | |
class | GetDbParameterKeysAsString |
Returns a list the key in the parameter. More... | |
class | GetDbParameterLengthKey |
The corresponding parameter with type eLENGTHKEY for this parameter with variable length. More... | |
class | GetDbParameterMaxLength |
The maximum length in bytes of the parameter or the maximum count of items. More... | |
class | GetDbParameterMaxNumberOfItems |
Get 1 in case of a simple parameter type or eSTRUCTURE or the maximum number of items of a parameter of type eEND_OF_PDU. More... | |
class | GetDbParameterMcdParameterType |
Returns the type of the parameter (MCDParameterType). More... | |
class | GetDbParameterMinLength |
The minimum length in bytes of the parameter or the minimum count of items. More... | |
class | GetDbParameterNrcConstValues |
Get a list of Integer, containing the coded values of the NRC-CONST element of the parameter (MCDDbResponseParameter) More... | |
class | GetDbParameterODXBytePos |
The Byte position, which is available in ODX. More... | |
class | GetDbParameterRadix |
The display radix of the parameter. More... | |
class | GetDbParameters |
The List of child Parameters More... | |
class | GetDbParameterSemantic |
Get the semantic attribute defined in ODX as a string. More... | |
class | GetDbParameterSpecialDataGroups |
Get the special data groups defined for the corresponding DbParameter in the project's data bases as a list. More... | |
class | GetDbParameterStructureByKey |
The list parameter which represents the content of the STRUCTURE. More... | |
class | GetDbParameterTable |
Returns the DbTable parameter structure of the DbParameter, if available. More... | |
class | GetDbParameterTableKeyParam |
The Parameters of type eTABLE_KEY. More... | |
class | GetDbParameterTableStructParams |
List parameters of type eTABLE_STRUCT. More... | |
class | GetDbParameterTextTableElements |
Get all table entries of the parameter, as a List of DbTextTableElements More... | |
class | GetDbParameterValidInternalIntervals |
Get the list of valid internal Interval objects defined by the intersection of COMPUSCALE intervals and valid ranges in ODX More... | |
class | GetDbParameterValidPhysicalIntervals |
Get a list of valid physical interval objects defined by the intersection of COMPUSCALE intervals and valid ranges in ODX More... | |
class | GetDbRequestDbParameters |
Returns a list of DbParameter objects which represents the MCDDbRequestParameters for the given DbRequest More... | |
class | GetDbRequestDbSpecialDataGroups |
Get a list of DbSpecialDataGroup (SDG) from DbRequest. More... | |
class | GetDbRequestDefaultPDU |
Returns the default PDU of the DbRequest as a ByteField More... | |
class | GetDbRequestPDUMaxLength |
Returns the maximum PDU length of the DbRequest More... | |
class | GetDbRequestPDUMinLength |
Returns the minimum PDU length of the DbRequest More... | |
class | GetDbResponseDbParameters |
Returns a list of DbParameter objects which represents the MCDDbResponseParameters for the given DbResponse More... | |
class | GetDbResponseDbSpecialDataGroups |
Get a list of DbSpecialDataGroup (SDG) from DbResponse. More... | |
class | GetDbResponseResponseType |
Returns the type MCDResponseType of this response More... | |
class | GetDbSpecialDataElementContent |
The content of the DbSpecialData More... | |
class | GetDbSpecialDataElementSemanticInformation |
The Semantic Information (SI) of the DbSpecialDataElement More... | |
class | GetDbSpecialDataElementTextId |
The text ID (TI) of the DbSpecialDataElement More... | |
class | GetDbSpecialDataGroupCaption |
Get the shortname of the MCDDbSpecialDataGroupCaption More... | |
class | GetDbSpecialDataGroupHasCaption |
Check the availability of a Caption element More... | |
class | GetDbSpecialDataGroupSemanticInformation |
The Semantic Information (SI) of the DbSpecialDataGroup Caption More... | |
class | GetDbSpecialDataGroupSpecialDataElements |
A list of DbSpecialDataElement (SD) of the DbSpecialDataGroup More... | |
class | GetDbSpecialDataGroupSpecialDataGroups |
A list of DbSpecialDataGroup (SDG) of the DbSpecialDataGroup More... | |
class | GetDbSubComponentDbDiagServices |
Get a list of strings containing the short names of all diagnostic services for the DbSubComponent that is available in ODX. More... | |
class | GetDbSubComponentDbDiagTroubleCodes |
Get a list of DbDiagTroubleCode for the DbSubComponent which is available in ODX More... | |
class | GetDbSubComponentDbEnvDataDescs |
Get a list of DbEnvDataDesc for the DbSubComponent which is available in ODX. More... | |
class | GetDbSubComponentDbFaultMemories |
Get a list of DbFaultMemory for the DbSubComponent which is available in ODX. More... | |
class | GetDbSubComponentDbInParams |
Get a Map[String, List[DbParameters]] which contains all available MCDDbRequestParameter of the DbSubComponent. More... | |
class | GetDbSubComponentDbMatchingParameters |
Get a List[List[DbMatchingParameter]] for the DbSubComponent which is available in ODX. More... | |
class | GetDbSubComponentDbOutParams |
Get a Map[String,List[DbParameters]] which contains all available MCDDbResponseParameter of the DbSubComponent. More... | |
class | GetDbSubComponentDbResponseParameters |
Get a list of DbParameter for the DbSubComponent which is available in ODX. More... | |
class | GetDbSubComponentDbTableParameters |
Get a list of DbParamter (MCDDbTableParameter). More... | |
class | GetDbSubComponentDbTables |
Get a list of DbTable for the DbSubComponent which is available in ODX. More... | |
class | GetDbSubComponentSemantic |
Get the value of the semantic attribute for that DbSubComponent out of the ODX file as a string. More... | |
class | GetDbTableDbTableRows |
Returns all table rows contained in this table as a Map<String, DbParameter>. More... | |
class | GetDbTableDiagComPrimitiveByConnectorSemantic |
Returns the DiagService which is referenced from the current table by means of a TABLE-DIAG-COM-CONNECTOR of the given semantic. More... | |
class | GetDbTableDiagComPrimitives |
Returns a List of DbDiagService referenced by the current DbTable. More... | |
class | GetDbTableKeys |
Returns the key values of all table rows in this table as a List of Strings. More... | |
class | GetDbTableParameterKeyAsString |
Get the value of the key associated with the DbParameter in the corresponding DbTable (MCDDbTableParameter). More... | |
class | GetDbTableSemantic |
Returns the value of the semantic attribute attached to the corresponding DbTable. More... | |
class | GetDbTableSpecialDataGroups |
Get the special data groups defined for the corresponding TABLE in the project's databases as a list of DbSpecialDataGroup. More... | |
class | GetDiagServiceDbDiagService |
This term returns the the data base part (MCDDbDiagComPrimitive) of a diag:DiagService (MCDDiagComPrimitive) More... | |
class | GetIntervalLowerLimitAsString |
Get the lower limit of the text table element of the parameter as string More... | |
class | GetIntervalLowerLimitTypeAsString |
Get the lower limit type of the text table element of the parameter as string More... | |
class | GetIntervalUpperLimitAsString |
Get the upper limit of the text table element of the parameter as string More... | |
class | GetIntervalUpperLimitTypeAsString |
Get the upper limit type of the text table element of the parameter as string More... | |
class | GetParameterDbDiagTroubleCode |
Get the DbDiagTroubleCode More... | |
class | GetParameterDbParameter |
Get DbParameter from Parameter More... | |
class | GetParameterDecimalPlaces |
Returns the number of valid decimal places of the parameter More... | |
class | GetParameterDisplayUnitAsString |
Returns the display unit information of the diag:Parameter as a string More... | |
class | GetParameterRadix |
Returns the display radix of the parameter More... | |
class | GetRequestDbRequest |
This term returns the the data base part (MCDDbRequest) of a diag:Request (MCDRequest) More... | |
class | GetResponseDbResponse |
This term returns the data base part MCDDbResponse of a diag:Response (MCDResponse) More... | |
class | GetTextTableElementInterval |
Get the Interval of the text table element More... | |
class | GetTextTableElementLongName |
Get the LongName of the text table element More... | |
class | GetTextTableElementLongNameID |
Get the ID for the LongName of the text table element More... | |
class | IntervalTerm |
A IntervalTerm is a term that returns a Interval. More... | |
class | IntervalValue |
Reading of data type value More... | |
class | IsDbDiagServiceJob |
Returns True if the DbDiagService is a job otherwise False More... | |
class | IsDbDiagServiceRepetitive |
Returns True if MVCI-Server returns eREPEATED in getRepetitionMode otherwise False More... | |
class | IsDbParameterConstant |
Check this parameter is of ODX type CODED-CONST / PHYS-CONST or not. More... | |
class | IsDbParameterVariableLength |
Check this parameter is of variable length. More... | |
class | IsDiagTroubleCodeParameter |
Check this parameter is of data type DiagTroubleCode (eDTC) or not. More... | |
class | IsFloatParameter |
Returns True whether the value of this diag:Parameter is of data type Float (FLOAT32, FLOAT64) More... | |
class | IsIntegerParameter |
Returns True whether the value of this diag:Parameter is of data type Integer (INT16, INT32, INT64, INT8, UINT16, UINT32, UINT64, UINT8, DTC, END_OF_PDU, ENVDATA, ENVDATADESC, FIELD, MULTIPLEXER, STRUCTURE, LENGTHKEY, TABLE_ROW) More... | |
class | IsParameterConstant |
Returns true whether this parameter is of type CODED-CONST, NRC_CONST or PHYS-CONST. More... | |
class | IsTextTableParameter |
Returns True whether the value of this diag:Parameter is of data type TextTable (eTEXTTABLE). More... | |
class | McdDataTypeLiteral |
Returns a McdDataType value from a hard-coded literal. More... | |
class | McdDataTypeTerm |
A McdDataTypeTerm is a term that returns a MCDDataType. More... | |
class | McdDataTypeValue |
Reading of data type value More... | |
class | McdParameterTypeLiteral |
Returns a McdParameterType value from a hard-coded literal. More... | |
class | McdParameterTypeTerm |
A McdParameterTypeTerm is a term that returns a McdParameterType. More... | |
class | McdParameterTypeValue |
Reading of data type value More... | |
class | McdResponseTypeLiteral |
Returns a McdResponseType value from a hard-coded literal. More... | |
class | McdResponseTypeTerm |
A McdResponseTypeTerm is a term that returns a McdResponseType. More... | |
class | McdResponseTypeValue |
Reading of data type value More... | |
class | TextTableElementTerm |
A TextTableElementTerm is a term that returns a TextTableElement. More... | |
class | TextTableElementValue |
Reading of data type value More... | |
Lists all Terms.
OTX terms represent syntactic expressions which can be evaluated in order to yield a value. The resulting value of a term can be a simple value (e.g. an integer in the OTX Integer case) or a reference to complex data (e.g. a reference to a list in the OTX List case). Terms are required in various places in the data model, when a value needs to be computed which is then e.g. assigned to a variable, used as an input parameter for a procedure call, or used as the condition truth value in a branch, etc. Every OTX term is categorized according to its return type.