OTX Reference  
OpenTestSystem.Otx.Extensions.i18n.Terms Namespace Reference

Lists all Terms. More...


class  CompareUntranslatedString
 Searches an string in a translation More...
class  CreateTranslationKey
 Creates a TranslationKey More...
class  GetAllLocales
 All available locale codes More...
class  GetCurrentLocale
 Current locale code More...
class  LocalizeQuantity
 Localized version of a Quantity More...
class  LocalizeQuantityToUnitGroup
 Localized version of a Quantity to a specific unit group More...
class  Translate
 Translation for the current locale More...
class  TranslateToLocale
 Translation for the target locale More...
class  TranslationKeyLiteral
 Creates a TranslationKey data object based on a hard-coded text ID More...
class  TranslationKeyTerm
 The abstract type TranslationKeyTerm is an otx:StringTerm. It serves as a base for all concrete terms which return a TranslationKey.It has no special members. More...
class  TranslationKeyValue
 Reading of data type value More...

Detailed Description

Lists all Terms.

OTX terms represent syntactic expressions which can be evaluated in order to yield a value. The resulting value of a term can be a simple value (e.g. an integer in the OTX Integer case) or a reference to complex data (e.g. a reference to a list in the OTX List case). Terms are required in various places in the data model, when a value needs to be computed which is then e.g. assigned to a variable, used as an input parameter for a procedure call, or used as the condition truth value in a branch, etc. Every OTX term is categorized according to its return type.

OTX terms never have side-effects – this means that the arguments of a term will not be changed by term evaluation.
The abstract OTX Core terms are extensible. This means that OTX extensions may derive new terms from any of the abstract term categories defined in the OTX Core.