OTX-Runtime for C++  
OpenTestSystem::Otx::Runtime::Api::Exceptions Namespace Reference

Namespace containing exceptions More...


class  ConnectionStateException
 Thrown when the connection state produces an Exception. More...
class  Exception
 Base class of Exceptions of Api. More...
class  FileFormatException
 Thrown when a file is has an unsupported format More...
class  FileNotFoundException
 Thrown when a file cannot be found. More...
class  InvalidDataTypeException
 Thrown when converting non-otx api datatype into a string More...
class  InvalidLicenseException
 Thrown when a license of runtimeManager Api is not valid or expired More...
class  InvalidLiteralException
 Thrown when a literal string cannot be converted to OTX Object. More...
class  OtxException
 Thrown when within an OTX sequence an OTX is not handled. More...
class  OutOfBoundsException
 Thrown to indicate that an index of some sort (such as to an array, to a string, or to a vector, or to a map) is out of range. More...
class  RunnerNotAliveException
 Thrown when a runner is not alive anymore. More...
class  RuntimeException
 Thrown when OTX-Runtime produces an Exception. More...

Detailed Description

Namespace containing exceptions