OTX-Runtime for DotNet  

The following sections describes how the DiagManager can be installed at different target systems.

Installation for Windows

The following sections lists all delivered files and folders. The value of the Needed column is based on the following assumption:

  • Usage inside own C++ application
  • Diagnostic communication needed
  • Default custom implementation needed
  • Usage of transport layer SOCKET

System Requirements


The software is delivered as ZIP containers including APIs for C++, DotNet and Java as well as some helper programs. File names:

  • OpenTestSystem.Otx.DiagManager_Win32_VersionX.zip containing the 32 bit version for windows
  • OpenTestSystem.Otx.DiagManager_Win64_VersionX.zip containing the 64 bit version for windows


  1. Copy the content of the ZIP container files to an arbitrary location
  2. Copy the binary file(s) of the related diagnostic runtime system into this location, see table below. The file is located in the installation directory of the diagnostic runtime system.
Name Version Class File to copy
VW-MCD 9.0 to 17.0 VwMcdDiagRuntimeSystem McdKernel_vc120.dll or McdKernel_vc120_64.dll
VW-MCD 17.50 VwMcdDiagRuntimeSystem McdKernel_vc142.dll or McdKernel_vc142_64.dll
VW-MCD (SP) 9.0 to 17.0 VwMcdSPDiagRuntimeSystem McdKernel_vc120.dll or McdKernel_vc120_64.dll
VW-MCD (SP) 17.50 VwMcdSPDiagRuntimeSystem McdKernel_vc142.dll or McdKernel_vc142_64.dll

Important: The diagnostic runtime system is not part of the delivery! Therefore, the user is responsible that it is installed, configured and accessible.

Binary File List

Note: The list does not claim to be complete! It should inform the user about the meaning of the individual files or folders.

Important: We can only guarantee error-free execution if all files and folders supplied are used! If files or folders are removed, it is the responsibility of the user to ensure that it does not affect execution.

File or Folder Needed Description
CppRuntimeApi/bin/ Yes Folder containing all binary files
CppRuntimeApi/bin/bcprov-jdk15on-157.jar Yes 3rd party library for cryptography
CppRuntimeApi/bin/botan.dll Yes 3rd party library for cryptography
CppRuntimeApi/bin/Google.Protobuf.dll Yes 3rd party library for Google Protocol Buffers for DotNet
CppRuntimeApi/bin/gson-2.2.4.jar Yes 3rd party library for converting string to JSON and vice-versa
CppRuntimeApi/bin/jna-5.5.0.jar Yes 3rd party library for creating pipe listener
CppRuntimeApi/bin/jna-platform-5.5.0.jar Yes 3rd party library for creating pipe listener
CppRuntimeApi/bin/log4j-api-2.17.1.jar Yes 3rd party library for logging
CppRuntimeApi/bin/log4j-core-2.17.1.jar Yes 3rd party library for logging
CppRuntimeApi/bin/OpenTestSystem.Otx.DiagManager.Client.dll Yes DiagManager Client
CppRuntimeApi/bin/OpenTestSystem.Otx.DiagManager.Client.DotNet.dll No DiagManager DotNet Client
CppRuntimeApi/bin/OpenTestSystem.Otx.DiagManager.Client.Java.jar No DiagManager Java Client
CppRuntimeApi/bin/OpenTestSystem.Otx.DiagManager.Common.dll Yes DiagManager common functions
CppRuntimeApi/bin/OpenTestSystem.Otx.DiagManager.Common.DotNet.dll No DiagManager common functions
CppRuntimeApi/bin/OpenTestSystem.Otx.DiagManager.Common.Java.jar No DiagManager common functions
CppRuntimeApi/bin/OpenTestSystem.Otx.DiagManager.CommandProcessor.dll Yes DiagManager default CommandProcessor (Exchangeable by the user)
CppRuntimeApi/bin/OpenTestSystem.Otx.DiagManager.DiagRuntimeSystem.dll No DiagRuntimeSystem which supports VW-MCD 9.0 to 17.0 (Exchangeable by the user)
CppRuntimeApi/bin/OpenTestSystem.Otx.DiagManager.DiagRuntimeSystem.SiemensMcd.dll No DiagRuntimeSystem which supports Siemens-MCD (Exchangeable by the user)
CppRuntimeApi/bin/OpenTestSystem.Otx.DiagManager.DiagRuntimeSystem.VwMcd90SP.dll No DiagRuntimeSystem which supports Shared Pointer VW-MCD 9.0 to 17.0 (Exchangeable by the user)
CppRuntimeApi/bin/OpenTestSystem.Otx.DiagManager.DiagRuntimeSystem.VwMcdSP_VC142.dll No DiagRuntimeSystem which supports Shared Pointer VW-MCD 17.50 or later (Exchangeable by the user)
CppRuntimeApi/bin/OpenTestSystem.Otx.DiagManager.DiagRuntimeSystem.VwMcd_VC142.dll Yes DiagManager default DiagRuntimeSystem which supports VW-MCD 17.50 or later (Exchangeable by the user)
CppRuntimeApi/bin/OpenTestSystem.Otx.DiagManager.OtxDiagApi.dll Yes DiagManager OtxDiagApi in C++
CppRuntimeApi/bin/OpenTestSystem.Otx.DiagManager.OtxDiagApi.DotNet.dll No DiagManager OtxDiagApi in DotNet
CppRuntimeApi/bin/OpenTestSystem.Otx.DiagManager.OtxDiagApi.Java.jar No DiagManager OtxDiagApi in Java
CppRuntimeApi/bin/OpenTestSystem.Otx.DiagManager.NoneOtxDiagApi.dll Yes DiagManager NoneOtxDiagApi in C++
CppRuntimeApi/bin/OpenTestSystem.Otx.DiagManager.NoneOtxDiagApi.DotNet.dll No DiagManager NoneOtxDiagApi in DotNet
CppRuntimeApi/bin/OpenTestSystem.Otx.DiagManager.NoneOtxDiagApi.Java.jar No DiagManager NoneOtxDiagApi in Java
CppRuntimeApi/bin/OpenTestSystem.Otx.DiagManager.Runner.exe No Utility to start the DiagManager server process with IPC
CppRuntimeApi/bin/OpenTestSystem.Otx.DiagManager.SystemApi.dll Yes DiagManager SystemApi in C++
CppRuntimeApi/bin/OpenTestSystem.Otx.DiagManager.SystemApi.DotNet.dll No DiagManager SystemApi in DotNet
CppRuntimeApi/bin/OpenTestSystem.Otx.DiagManager.SystemApi.Java.jar No DiagManager SystemApi in Java
CppRuntimeApi/bin/OpenTestSystem.Otx.DiagManager.Server.dll Yes DiagManager Server
CppRuntimeApi/bin/PocoFoundation.dll Yes 3rd party library for general purposes.
CppRuntimeApi/bin/protobuf-java-3.10.0.jar Yes 3rd party library for Google Protocol Buffers
CppRuntimeApi/include/ No Folder containing all C++ header files
CppRuntimeApi/lib/ No Folder containing all lib files