Contains Projects.
◆ Name
string OpenTestSystem.Otx.Runtime.Api.Project.IPlayerProject.Name |
get |
◆ PlayerLayoutPath
string OpenTestSystem.Otx.Runtime.Api.Project.IPlayerProject.PlayerLayoutPath |
get |
◆ PlaylistPath
string OpenTestSystem.Otx.Runtime.Api.Project.IPlayerProject.PlaylistPath |
get |
◆ Projects
IProject [] OpenTestSystem.Otx.Runtime.Api.Project.IPlayerProject.Projects |
get |
◆ ProjectSettings
IProjectSettings OpenTestSystem.Otx.Runtime.Api.Project.IPlayerProject.ProjectSettings |
get |
◆ Settings
Dictionary<string, string> OpenTestSystem.Otx.Runtime.Api.Project.IPlayerProject.Settings |
getset |
Gets or sets the Project Settings.
Gets or sets the Project Settings as a map of names and value pairs. The getter returns all settings. The setter sets only the name value pairs in the given map. The other settings will not be influenced. To improve the performance, it is recommended to set all to be changed setting in one map. As an alternative it is possible to handle the single settings inside ProjectSettings. This is more convenient and more type safe but slower than this property.
◆ Version
string OpenTestSystem.Otx.Runtime.Api.Project.IPlayerProject.Version |
get |
Gets PlayerProject version.
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