OTX-Runtime for Java  
Package OpenTestSystem.Otx.Runtime.Api

Package containing the programming interface for browsing and execution of OTX procedures in own applications, main entry for execution is IRuntimeManager. More...


package  Custom
 Package containing all interfaces for custom implementations.
package  DataTypes
 Package contains all supported data types.
package  Events
 Package containing runtime API events.
package  Exceptions
 Package containing exceptions.
package  License
 Package containing all objects related to licensing.
package  Otx
 Package for browsing at OTX data structure.
package  Project
 Package containing main entries: IProject and IPlayerProject.


enum  ClampState
 Contains the state of a clamp. More...
class  DiagConnectionState
 The diagnostic connection state describes conditions how a procedure can be executed. More...
enum  ExecutionState
 Contains the state of the runtime context. More...
enum  ExecutionStateChangeReason
 Reason, why a procedure execution state was changed, e.g. More...
enum  ExpectedState
 Contains the expected state of the diagnostic connection. More...
interface  IRuntimeContext
 Contains information of a Runner instance. More...
interface  IRuntimeManager
 Runs a PTX/PPX file directly. More...
class  RuntimeConfig
 Configuration class to modify OTX Runtime API global settings. More...
class  RuntimeManagerFactory
 Factory class for creating runtime managers, see IRuntimeManager. More...
enum  TraceLevels
 Enumeration of TraceLevels. More...

Detailed Description

Package containing the programming interface for browsing and execution of OTX procedures in own applications, main entry for execution is IRuntimeManager.