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Name EncodeInteger
Short Description Returns a ByteField which contains the encoded value of the original Integer argument.
Class Term
Extension OTX Core library
Group Integer conversion terms
Exceptions OutOfBoundsException
Checker Rules -
Standard Compliant Yes

OTL Syntax

ByteFieldTerm = Conversion.EncodeInteger(EncodingType, Endianness, IntegerTerm);


EncodeInteger term returns a ByteField which contains the encoded value of the original Integer argument. For the encoding, n-bit unsigned, n-bit signed-binary or n-bit two's complement representation of the integer can be chosen, where be chosen out of 8, 16, 32 and 64bit. The term also provides control over the byte order which be used for encoding.

Return Value

The Term returns the value, see table below.

Icons Note.png In OTX, Terms are categorized according to its return data type!
Data Type Description
ByteField The decoded ByteField value of the Integer argument


Name Data Type Class Default Cardinality Description
EncodingType EncodingType Value @EncodingType:64-BIT [1] Specifies how the Integer value be encoded. EncodingType = {UNSIGNED|SIGNED-BINARY|TWOS-COMPLEMENT}
EncodingSize EncodingSize Value @EncodingSize:64-BIT [1] Specifies how many bits will be used for the encoding. EncodingSize = {8-BIT|16-BIT|32-BIT|64-BIT}
ByteOrder Endianness Value @Endianness:LITTLE-ENDIAN [1] Specifies the byte order which will be used when writing the encoded Integervalue into the resulting ByteField. Endianness = {LITTE-ENDIAN|MIXED-ENDIAN|BIG-ENDIAN}. LITTLE-ENDIAN is the default value.
Integer Integer Term - [1] Represents the Integer value which be converted to ByteField.


ByteField result;
result = EncodeInteger(@EncodingType:TWOSCOMPLEMENT, @EncodingSize:16BIT, @Endianness:LITTLEENDIAN, -256);
//Returns the result = 00 FF

See also
