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Name GetDbTableDiagComPrimitiveByConnectorSemantic
Short Description Gets the DbDiagService of the DbTable
Class Term
Extension OTX DiagDataBrowsingPlus extension
Group DbTable related terms
Exceptions InvalidTypeException
Checker Rules -
Standard Compliant Yes

OTL Syntax

DbDiagServiceTerm DiagDataBrowsingPlus.GetDbTableDiagComPrimitiveByConnectorSemantic(DbTableTerm dbTable, StringTerm semantic);


GetDbTableDiagComPrimitiveByConnectorSemantic returns the DbDiagService which is referenced from the current table by means of a TABLE-DIAG-COM-CONNECTOR of the given semantic. Note that the semantic is unique for all TABLE-DIAG-COM-CONNECTORs referenced by a TABLE in ODX.

If the current table has no TABLE-DIAG-COM-CONNECTOR with the given semantic, the InvalidTypeException exception will be thrown.

Icons Note.png The appropriate MVCI system operation is MCDDbTable::getDbDiagComPrimitiveByConnectorSemantic

Return Value

The Term returns the value, see table below.

Icons Note.png In OTX, Terms are categorized according to its return data type!
Data Type Description
DbDiagService Returns the DbDiagService which is referenced from the current table by means of a TABLE-DIAG-COM-CONNECTOR of the given semantic.


Name Data Type Class Default Cardinality Description
DbTable DbTable Term - [1..1] The element addresses the DbTable (MCDDbTable) which DbDiagService shall be returned.
Semantic String Term - [1..1] The element addresses the unique semantic attribute.

OTL Examples

/// Local Declarations

DiagDataBrowsingPlus.DbComChannel DbComChannel;
List<DiagDataBrowsingPlus.DbTable> List_DbTable;
DiagDataBrowsingPlus.DbDiagService DbDiagService;

/// Flow

DbComChannel = DiagDataBrowsingPlus.GetDbComChannel(NULL, "AIRBAG");
List_DbTable = DiagDataBrowsingPlus.GetDbComChannelDbTables(DbComChannel);
DbDiagService = DiagDataBrowsingPlus.GetDbTableDiagComPrimitiveByConnectorSemantic(List_DbTable[0]);

See also
