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Name McdDataType
Short Description is an enumeration type
Class Simple Data Type
Base Data Type SimpleType
Default Value eA_ASCIISTRING
Provide a Literal Yes
SpecifiedBy ISO 13209-3
Standard Compliant Yes


McdDataType is an enumeration type describing the ASAM data types used by the MVCI/ODX system.

McdDataTypes has the following enumeration values:

Value Literal Description
eA_ASCIISTRING @McdDataType:ASCIISTRING Data type is MCDDataType::eA_ASCIISTRING (simple data type).
eA_BITFIELD @McdDataType:BITFIELD Data type is MCDDataType::eA_BITFIELD (simple data type).
eA_BOOLEAN @McdDataType:BOOLEAN Data type is MCDDataType::eA_BOOLEAN (simple data type).
eA_BYTEFIELD @McdDataType:BYTEFIELD Data type is MCDDataType::eA_BYTEFIELD (simple data type).
eA_FLOAT32 @McdDataType:FLOAT32 Data type is MCDDataType::eA_FLOAT32 (simple data type).
eA_FLOAT64 @McdDataType:FLOAT64 Data type is MCDDataType::eA_FLOAT64 (simple data type).
eA_INT16 @McdDataType:INT16 Data type is MCDDataType::eA_INT16 (simple data type).
eA_INT32 @McdDataType:INT32 Data type is MCDDataType::eA_INT32 (simple data type).
eA_INT64 @McdDataType:INT64 Data type is MCDDataType::eA_INT64 (simple data type).
eA_INT8 @McdDataType:INT8 Data type is MCDDataType::eA_INT8 (simple data type).
eA_UINT16 @McdDataType:UINT16 Data type is MCDDataType::eA_UINT16 (simple data type).
eA_UINT32 @McdDataType:UINT32 Data type is MCDDataType::eA_UINT32 (simple data type).
eA_UINT64 @McdDataType:UINT64 Data type is MCDDataType::eA_UINT64 (simple data type).
eA_UINT8 @McdDataType:UINT8 Data type is MCDDataType::eA_UINT8 (simple data type).
eA_UNICODE2STRING @McdDataType:UNICODE2STRING Data type is MCDDataType::eA_UNICODE2STRING (simple data type).
eDTC @McdDataType:DTC Data type is MCDDataType::eDTC (simple data type).
eEND_OF_PDU @McdDataType:END_OF_PDU Data type is MCDDataType::eeEND_OF_PDU (complex data type).
eENVDATA @McdDataType:ENVDATA Data type is MCDDataType::eENVDATA (complex data type).
eENVDATADESC @McdDataType:ENVDATADESC Data type is MCDDataType::eENVDATADESC (complex data type).
eFIELD @McdDataType:FIELD Data type is MCDDataType::eFIELD (complex data type).
eKEY @McdDataType:KEY Data type is MCDDataType::eKEY (simple data type).
eLENGTHKEY @McdDataType:LENGTHKEY Data type is MCDDataType::eLENGTHKEY (simple data type) which is only allowed in request.
eMULTIPLEXER @McdDataType:MULTIPLEXER Data type is MCDDataType::eMULTIPLEXER (complex data type).
eNO_TYPE @McdDataType:NO_TYPE No explicit data type.
eSTRUCT_FIELD @McdDataType:STRUCT_FIELD Data type is MCDDataType::eSTRUCT_FIELD (complex data type) can only used inside complex Com Params.
eSTRUCTURE @McdDataType:STRUCTURE Data type is MCDDataType::eSTRUCTURE (complex data type).
eTABLE @McdDataType:TABLE Data type is MCDDataType::eTable (complex data type).
eTABLE_ROW @McdDataType:TABLE_ROW Data type is MCDDataType::eTABLE-ROW (complex data type).
eTEXTTABLE @McdDataType:TEXTTABLE Data type is MCDDataType::eTEXTTABLE (simple data type).


The syntax for Literals for complex data types should be used, where the member value is one of the values in the list.


Core Conversion

The following table shows the rules for conversion to another data type:

Conversion Result Sample
ToBoolean Undefined (should not be used)
ToInteger Returns the index of the value in the enumeration (smallest index is 0). Integer i = ToInteger(@McdDataType:ASCIISTRING); // Returns 1.
ToFloat Undefined (should not be used)
ToString Returns the name of the enumeration value. String s = ToString(@McdDataType:ASCIISTRING); // Returns "eA_ASCIISTRING".
ToByteField Undefined (should not be used)


DiagDataBrowsingPlus.McdDataType McdDataTypeVariable = @McdDataType:ASCIISTRING;