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Welcome to the User Documentation
The EMOTIVE User Documentation provides instructions, solutions for possible questions and tips for using our products and all related standards. Please select one of the main topics below for further information.
OTX Product Family |
OTF - Open Test Framework Professional development environment for generic tester solutions 100% standard compliant (OTX, ODX etc.)
OTP - Open Test Player Complete generic, OTX based tester for the simplest distribution and execution of test sequences
OTX-Runtime API 2nd Generation Supports programmers for browsing, validation and execution of OTX projects (PTX) in C++, DotNet and Java
OTX-Runtime API for DotNet Supports programmers for browsing, validation and execution of OTX projects (PTX)
OTX-Runtime API for Java Supports programmers for browsing, validation and execution of OTX projects (PTX)
Licensing Licensing of our software products
OTX Reference Guide Provides information about the Open Test Sequence eXchange format OTX (ISO 13209)
Fundamentals of vehicle diagnostics (Grundlagen der modernen Fahrzeugdiagnose) Provides information about the fundamentals of modern vehicle diagnostics (German only)
Product Support Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you find some gaps, errors or if you have any further questions.