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With the Expression Editor, a simple or a complex expression can be created without writing code, see the image below. In OTX, an expression refers to an OTX term (or function). An OTX term may consist of different operators and terms (i.e. operators and terms can be nested), and it has exactly one return value of a defined data type. All the OTX terms are categorized in the editor according to the OTX libraries (OTX Core and other OTX extensions, the OTX Core will be divided into small categories). To open the Expression Editor, you can select the "<Expression>..." menu item in the combo-box of a property in the properties window.

The features of the Expression Editor

The Expression Editor consists of the expression editor in the upper part and the selection box in the lower part, see image.

Expression Editor allows for creating and editing OTX terms

Expression Editor

In the expression editor, the expressions can be freely created and edited using the keyboard.

Supported operators

The operators can be entered in the expression editor by using the keyboard. For example the "+" operator:

StringLength(Variable1) + 5

The Expression Editor supports the selection of the following important operators:

Operator Description
+ Additions
- Subtraction
* Multiplication
/ Division
% Modulo, calculates the remainder after dividing its first operand by its second
& Bitwise AND combination
| Bitwise OR combination
^ Bitwise XOR combination
&& Logic AND
|| Logic OR
== Equal
!= Unequal
>= Greater than or equal
<= Less than or equal
> Greater than
< Less than

Selection box

In the selection box below the supported operators, all the usable terms (functions) and variables are listed in groups. To insert a term or a variable at the current cursor position in the Expression Editor, you only need to double-click on that term or variable in the selection box.

Terms (Functions)

A function has the following basic structure:

«result» = Name(«arg1», «arg2», «...», «argN»)

At the time of execution, each function returns a «result». Each function contains arguments «arg», and each argument can be replaced with a literal value (or a literal expression), a declaration or another function, note that the data of the input declarations shall not be changed by the calculation. See here for a list of all functions.

Adding an expression

To add an expression to a property of an activity, please proceed as follows:

  1. Open the properties window to view the properties of the activity
  2. Select the "<Expression>..." menu item in the combo-box of the property you want to add the expression
  3. Find the appropriate function in the selection box
  4. Double-clicking on the function to insert it at the current cursor point in the Expression Editor
  5. Click on one of the arguments of the function
  6. Find and double-click on a variable or a function for nested function to input value for the argument
  7. Do the same for all the other arguments, you can delete the unrequired arguments
  8. Add operators by manually typing on the keyboard (if necessary)
  9. Add more functions and variables etc.
  10. Apply the expression to the property via the OK button.