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The OTF does not use the traditional menu bars and toolbars but use the modern Ribbon tabs instead. In these tabs the commands are grouped togetherby functionality so they can be found and used easily.

Below is a brief breakdown of each of the tabs across the Ribbon of the OTF.

"File" tab (Backstage view)

Command Description
Save Saves the current document*.
Save All Saves all the documents in the solution.
Save As... Saves the current solution.
Open Solution... Opens a solution.
Close Solution Closes the current solution.
Recently Used Shows the list of recent solutions and recent places to open.
New > New Project Opens dialog to add new project to the existing solution or to a new solution.
New > New Player Project Opens dialog to add new player project in a new solution or in the current solution.
New > New Project / Player from an existing template Opens dialog to add new project/player project in a new solution or in the current solution from an existing template.
New > Add Template... Adds a PTXT file to a template.
Print Prints the current procedure/Overview.
Help Shows quick access to the main product and support information as well as contact and support capabilities.
License Opens the license dialog box.
Options Opens the OTF Options dialog box (see OTF Settings).
Exit Exits the OTF.

"Start" tab


Command Description
Paste Pastes the clipboard contents into the current sequence*.
Cut Cuts the selected element(s) in the current sequence*.
Copy Copies the selected element(s) in the current sequence* to the clipboard.
Copy as Bitmap Copies the current sequence* as an image to the clipboard.
Search and Replace Opens the "Search and Replace" dialog box.
Undo Reverses the last action.
Redo Restores the last undone action.
Delete Deletes the current selected items.
Display Start Page Displays the Start Page.
Display Instructions Displays a page with the notes.
Easy Mode Turn the easy mode ON/OFF.
Local Variable Adds a new local variable to the current procedure*.
Comment Adds a new comment to the current procedure*.
Reference (Import) Adds a reference from the current document* to itself or to another document.
Procedure Adds a new procedure to the current document*.
(Corner button in "Add" group) Switches to the "Add" tab of the Ribbon.
AdminData Opens/Creates the AdminData of the current document*.
Project Opens the Project Settings dialog box of the current project*.
ODX/PDX Opens the "ODX Database Settings" dialog box.
Solution Settings Opens the "Solution Settings" dialog.
Document Settings Opens the settings of the current OTX document.
Procedure Settings Opens the settings dialog box of the current procedure*.
OTX-Mapping Opens the settings for the access to external applications.
Start (CTRL+F5) Starts the current sequence*.
Debug (F5) Starts the current sequence* in debug mode, halts at each activity having a breakpoint.
Break (CTRL+ALT+Break) Breaks the current sequence* in debug mode only.
Stop (SHIFT+F5) Stops the current sequence*.
Offline Mode Switches ON/OFF the Offline Mode of the Diagnostic Runtime Environment.
Clear Trace Turns "Clears trace before starting a sequence" ON/OFF.
Toogle Breakpoint (F9) Sets/Clears a breakpoint on the selected activity.
Step in (F11) Starts the current sequence*, halts at each activity, also gets into the called procedures.
Step over (F10) Starts the current sequence*, halts at each activity, skips the called procedures.
Step out (SHIFT+F11) Finishes the current sequence* (and steps to the next activity below the ProcedureCall calling the sequence, if any).
Step to (CTRL+F10) Starts the current sequence*, halts at the next selected activity.
(Corner button in "Run" group) Opens the Project Settings dialog box of the current project*.
Designer Appearance Sets the detail level for displaying the activities in the Workflow Designer (see here for detail).

"Add" tab


Command Description
Local Variable Adds a new local variable to the current procedure*.
Local Constant Adds a new local constant to the current procedure*.
In Parameter Adds a new in-parameter to the current procedure*.
Out Parameter Adds a new out-parameter to the current procedure*.
In/Out Parameter Adds a new in/out-parameter to the current procedure*.
(Corner button in "Procedure" group) Opens the settings dialog box of the current procedure*.
Comment Adds a new comment to the current procedure*.
Release (AdminData) Adds an administration data (versioning data) to the current document*.
Reference (Import) Adds a reference from the current document* to itself or to another document.
Validity Adds a new validity to the current document*.
Signature Adds a new signature to the current document*.

"Display" tab


Command Description
Display Start Page Displays the Start Page.
Standard layout Docks all the tool windows.
Maximum work area Sets all the opened tool windows to auto hide and minimizes the Ribbon.
Easy Mode Turns the Easy mode ON/OFF.
Toolbox Shows/Hides the Toolbox tool window.
Solution Explorer Shows/Hides the Solution Explorer tool window.
Output window Shows/Hides the Output tool window.
Error List Shows/Hides the Error List tool window.
Trace window Shows/Hides the Trace tool window.
Search Results window Shows/Hides the Search Results tool window.
Watch window Shows/Hides the Watch tool window.
Properties window Shows/Hides the Properties tool window.
Declaration Explorer Shows/Hides the Declaration Explorer tool window.
Overview window Shows/Hides the Overview tool window.
Specification Editor Shows/Hides the Specification Editor tool window.
OTX(XML) View window Shows/Hides the OTX(XML) View tool window.
Meta Data window Shows/Hides the Meta Data View tool window.
Reset zoom factorExclamation.png Resets the zoom of the current procedure/OTL/Overview tab to 100%.
Fit to windowExclamation.png Shrinks the zoom of the current procedure sothat it can be displayed as much as possible (minimum 10%).
Designer Appearance Sets the detail level for displaying the activities in the Workflow Designer (see here for detail).
Quality of DisplayExclamation.png Switches the display quality of the nodes in the workflow designer to LOW/HIGH.
Display CommentsExclamation.png Shows/Hides the comments in the Workflow Designer.
Max. Width Sets the width limit (maximum width) for the activities in the Workflow Designer.
Fixed Width Adjusts the width of the activities in the Workflow Designer to fit the maximum width.

"Version Control" tab


Command Description
SVN Project Manager Opens the current solution folder in the repository browser dialog box.
Update All Updates the current subversion solution to the lastest version.
Checkin All Commits the changes in the current subversion solution to the server.
Checkout All Checks out a subversion solution to a folder.
Export All Exports the current subversion solution to a folder.

(See Subversion for more information)

"Runtime Environment" tab


Command Description
Start (CTRL+F5) Starts the current sequence*.
Debug (F5) Starts the current sequence* in debug mode, halts at each activity having a breakpoint.
Break (CTRL+ALT+Break) Breaks the current sequence* in debug mode only.
Stop (SHIFT+F5) Stops the current sequence*.
(Corner button in "Execute" group) Opens the Project Settings dialog box of the current project*.
Clear Trace Turns "Clears trace before starting a sequence" ON/OFF.
Toggle Breakpoint (F9) Sets/Clears a breakpoint on the selected activity.
Clear all breakpoints (CTRL+SHIFT+F9) Clears all the breakpoints in the solution.
Step over (F10) Starts the current sequence*, halts at each activity, skips the called procedures.
Step to (CTRL+F10) Starts the current sequence*, halts at the next selected activity.
Step out (SHIFT+F11) Finishes the current sequence* (and steps to the next activity below the ProcedureCall calling the sequence, if any).
Step in (F11) Starts the current sequence*, halts at each activity, also gets into the called procedures.
Execute of combo-box Sets the execution (Start and Single-Step) according to a scope (e.g. if the runtime scope is set to "Solution", the Startup Project shall be started or debugged).
Target Platform combo-box Sets the current platform to Dotnet/Java.
Project Opens the Project Settings dialog box of the current project*.
Editing File Opens the Screen Mapping editor to edit the current selected screen mapping file.
Builder Checker Opens the Builder Checker application.
Revision combo-box Select the Builder Checker version.

Icons Note.png The current sequence/procedure is the procedure being opened with the procedure tab on top. The current document is the document containing the current procedure, similar to the current project.