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At the bottom-most of the OTF is the Status Bar. It provides useful information of the OTF current state and an easy way to check the current result of the last validation, to access the DoIP configuration, to change the current MVCI-Server or the current ODX Database and to adjust the OTF tool window layout or the workflow designer appearance.

Status Bar includes general status and information of the OTF, and the controls for designer presentation adjustment

Below are the controls in the Status Bar with their descriptions (according to their positions from left-to-right):

Control Description
Status label Shows the current status of the OTF.
Validation State button Displays the OK state (no errors or warnings) or the number of the errors and warnings of the last validation, shows the Error List tool window when button is clicked on .
DoIP buttonExclamation.png Opens the "VCI/Vehicle selection for Diagnostics over Internet Protocol (DoIP)" dialog (click here for more information about the DoIP configuration).
Offline Mode button Switches ON/OFF the Offline Mode of the Diagnostic Runtime Environment.
Diagnostic Runtime System button Displays the current Diagnostic Runtime System (MVCI-Server), opens the "Configuration of Diagnostic Runtime Systems" dialog when the button is clicked on.
ODX Diagnostic Database buttonExclamation.png Displays the current ODX Diagnostic Database, opens the "ODX Diagnostic Data settings" dialog (see Project Settings) when the button is clicked on.
Target Platform combo box Sets the current platform to Dotnet/Java.
Standard Layout button Docks all the tool windows.
Maximum Work Area button Turns ON/OFF the Auto-hide mode of all the opened tool windows and minimizes the Ribbon.
Display Comments buttonExclamation.png Shows/hides the Comments in the workflow designer.
Display Quality buttonExclamation.png Switches the display quality of the nodes in the workflow designer to LOW/HIGH.
Zoom sliderExclamation.png Adjusts the zoom level between 10% and 400%.
Reset Zoom Factor buttonExclamation.png Resets the zoom of the current procedure or OTL or Overview tab to 100%.
Fit To Window buttonExclamation.png Shrinks the zoom of the current procedure sothat it can be displayed as much as possible (minimum 10%).