Open Test Framework  

Table of Contents

OTX distinguishes between Actions and Terms. Actions are single nodes and terms are expressions. Expressions can be used in many places, for example in parameters or conditions. An expression can contain values, variables or expressions again in any nesting depth

Expression Editor

The expression editor can be used to edit OTX Terms in OTL Syntax. An OTX term may consist of many terms and different operators (i.e. operators and terms can be nested), and it has exactly one return value of a defined data type. The terms can be nested arbitrarily. However, for a clear test logic, it is recommended that the terms should not be nested too deeply (more than 2 levels).

Note: Via the key combination CTRL + SPACE, a list of possible entries will be displayed.

Note: To open the Expression Editor, you can select the <Expression>... menu item in the combo box of a property in the Properties Window.

**Note:** With the Assignment activity, you can easily access the expression editor by clicking on the tool icon ( ) on the assignment in the OTX Designer.

The expression editor consists of a text box to enter the expression via keyboard and the auto-complete context menu. In the text box, an expression can be freely created and edited using the keyboard. An auto-complete feature is supported.

Note: The semicolon ';' after the expression is not mandatory.

The auto-complete context menu will be opened automatically. It can be opened manually by pressing the CTRL + SPACE key. In the auto-complete context menu all the available declarations, parameters, validities and OTX terms etc. are listed in groups. To insert an element of the context menu at the current cursor position, click or press the enter key.


For the author convenience some of the OTX Terms can be used as so-called operators. For example the "+" operator

A = LengthOfString(Variable1) + 5;

can be used instead of writing the OTX Add term

A = Add({LengthOfString(Variable1), 5});

which is faster to input and easier to read. The OTL (Expression Editor) supports the following operators:

Operator OTX Term Description
+ Add Additions
- Subtract Subtraction
* Multiply Multiplication
/ Divide Division
% Modulo Modulo, calculates the remainder after dividing its first operand by its second
& BitwiseAnd Bitwise AND combination
| BitwiseOr Bitwise OR combination
^ BitwiseXor Bitwise XOR combination
&& LogicAnd Logic AND
|| LogicOr Logic OR
^^ LogicXor Logic XOR
! LogicNot Logic NOT
== IsEqual Equal
!= IsNotEqual Unequal
>= IsGreaterOrEqual Greater than or equal
<= IsLessOrEqual Less than or equal
> IsGreater Greater than
< IsLess Less than