Open Test Framework  
Output Window

The Output window displays important status messages of the operations in the OTF, as well as the log messages from the runtime. With the Output window, you can monitor the changes in the OTF at design time and run time. The Output window monitoring can be turned off to improve the OTX-runtime performance via the ON/OFF button. You can also determine to display the log messages in the window or not via the Inclusive Log-Outputs button. Besides, you can use the Clear button to clear all the existing messages for a new working session e.g. a new start or build. In case you do not want to to clear the old messages manually, you can use the Delete automatically button which enables the Output window to automatically clear the old messages each time a project/solution is built.

You can select (highlight) the messages in the window by dragging mouse over lines of message, or clicking on arbitrary message lines while holding the CTRL key, or clicking on a message line and then using the SHIFT key and the arrow keys. The selected messages can be copied with the right-click menu Copy or with the CTRL + C into the clipboard to be used later.

The Output window can display messages about:

  • The copyright, OTF version number when the OTF is started
  • Creation of OTF error report (click here for more information)
  • Loading of a solution (automatically by the OTF at starting or manually by users)
  • Correction and remaining errors (The OTF supports to automatically correct some errors in the OTX documents when a solution is loaded, the corrections and the remaining errors which can not be corrected will be recorded in the Output window)
  • Validation (automatically by the OTF at building projects / executing procedures or manually by users)
  • Compliling (generating) code
  • Starting execution
  • Logging messages
  • Termination of execution with Stop button
  • Termination of execution because of uncaught exceptions (also displaying the exception text)
  • Creation of a PTX or a PPX
The Output is a tool window, so it can be docked, floating, opened, closed, resized or set to auto hide. When starting the OTF the first time, the Output window is already opened and docked under the Workflow Designer. You can open or close it via the "Output window" button ( ) in the Ribbon.