The OTF use MS Office style Ribbon bars (tabs). In these tabs the commands are grouped together by functionality so they can be found and used easily. Below is a brief breakdown of each of the tabs across the Ribbon bar of the OTF.
Command | Description |
Save | Saves the current document |
Save All | Saves all the documents in the solution. |
Save As... | Saves the current solution. |
Open Solution... | Open a solution. |
Close Solution | Closes the current solution. |
Recently Used | Shows the list of recent solutions and recent places to open. |
New > New Project | Opens dialog to add new project to the existing solution or to a new solution. |
New > New Player Project | Opens dialog to add new player project in a new solution or in the current solution. |
New > New Project / Player from an existing template | Opens dialog to add new project/player project in a new solution or in the current solution from an existing template. |
New > Add Template... | Adds a PTXT file to a template. |
Print | Prints the current procedure/Overview. |
Help | Shows quick access to the main product and support information as well as contact and support capabilities. |
License | Opens the license dialog box. |
Options | Opens the OTF Options dialog box (see OTF Settings). |
Exit | Exits the OTF. |
Command | Description |
Paste | Pastes the clipboard contents into the current sequence. |
Cut | Cuts the selected element(s) in the current sequence. |
Copy | Copies the selected element(s) in the current sequence to the clipboard. |
Copy as Bitmap | Copies the current sequence as an image to the clipboard. |
Search and Replace | Opens the "Search and Replace" dialog box. |
Undo | Reverses the last action. |
Redo | Restores the last undone action. |
Delete | Deletes the current selected items. |
Display Start Page | Displays the Start Page. |
Display Instructions | Displays a page with the notes. |
Easy Mode | Turn the easy mode ON/OFF. |
Local Variable | Adds a new local variable to the current procedure. |
Comment | Adds a new comment to the current procedure. |
Reference (Import) | Adds a reference from the current document to itself or to another document. |
Procedure | Adds a new procedure to the current document. |
(Corner button in "Add" group) | Switches to the "Add" tab of the Ribbon. |
AdminData | Opens/Creates the AdminData of the current document. |
Project | Opens the Project Settings dialog box of the current project. |
ODX/PDX | Opens the "ODX Database Settings" dialog box. |
Solution Settings | Opens the "Solution Settings" dialog. |
Document Settings | Opens the settings of the current OTX document. |
Procedure Settings | Opens the settings dialog box of the current procedure. |
OTX-Mapping | Opens the settings for the access to external applications. |
Start (CTRL+F5) | Starts the current sequence. |
Debug (F5) | Starts the current sequence in debug mode, halts at each activity having a breakpoint. |
Break (CTRL+ALT+Break) | Breaks the current sequence in debug mode only. |
Stop (SHIFT+F5) | Stops the current sequence. |
Offline Mode | Switches ON/OFF the Offline Mode of the Diagnostic Runtime Environment. |
Clear Trace | Turns "Clears trace before starting a sequence" ON/OFF. |
Toogle Breakpoint (F9) | Sets/Clears a breakpoint on the selected activity. |
Step in (F11) | Starts the current sequence, halts at each activity, also gets into the called procedures. |
Step over (F10) | Starts the current sequence, halts at each activity, skips the called procedures. |
Step out (SHIFT+F11) | Finishes the current sequence (and steps to the next activity below the ProcedureCall calling the sequence, if any). |
Step to (CTRL+F10) | Starts the current sequence, halts at the next selected activity. |
(Corner button in "Run" group) | Opens the Project Settings dialog box of the current project. |
Designer Appearance | Sets the detail level for displaying the activities in the OtfWorkflowDesigner (see here for detail). |
Command | Description |
Local Variable | Adds a new local variable to the current procedure. |
Local Constant | Adds a new local constant to current procedure. |
In Parameter | Adds a new in-parameter to the current procedure. |
Out Parameter | Adds a new out-parameter to the current procedure. |
In/Out Parameter | Adds a new in/out-parameter to the current procedure. |
(Corner button in "Procedure" group) | Opens the settings dialog box of the current procedure. |
Comment | Adds a new comment to the current procedure. |
Release (AdminData) | Adds an administration data (versioning data) to the current document. |
Reference (Import) | Adds a reference from the current document to itself or to another document. |
Validity | Adds a new validity to the current document. |
Signature | Adds a new signature to the current document. |
Command | Description |
Display Start Page | Displays the Start Page. |
Standard layout | Docks all the tool windows. |
Maximum work area | Sets all the opened tool windows to auto hide and minimizes the Ribbon. |
Easy Mode | Turns the Easy mode ON/OFF. |
Toolbox | Shows/Hides the Toolbox tool window. |
Solution Explorer | Shows/Hides the Solution Explorer tool window. |
Output window | Shows/Hides the Output tool window. |
Error List | Shows/Hides the Error List tool window. |
Trace window | Shows/Hides the Trace tool window. |
Search Results window | Shows/Hides the Search Results tool window. |
Watch window | Shows/Hides the Watch tool window. |
Properties window | Shows/Hides the Properties tool window. |
Declaration Explorer | Shows/Hides the Declaration Explorer tool window. |
Overview window | Shows/Hides the Overview tool window. |
Specification Editor | Shows/Hides the Specification Editor tool window. |
OTX(XML) View window | Shows/Hides the OTX(XML) View tool window. |
Meta Data window | Shows/Hides the Meta Data View tool window. |
Reset zoom factor | Resets the zoom of the current procedure/OTL/Overview tab to 100%. |
Fit to window | Shrinks the zoom of the current procedure sothat it can be displayed as much as possible (minimum 10%). |
Designer Appearance | Sets the detail level for displaying the activities in the OtfWorkflowDesigner (see here for detail). |
Quality of Display | Switches the display quality of the nodes in the Workflow Designer to LOW/HIGH. |
Display Comments | Shows/Hides the comments in the Workflow Designer. |
Max. Width | Sets the width limit (maximum width) for the activities in the Workflow Designer. |
Fixed Width | Adjusts the width of the activities in the Workflow Designer to fit the maximum width. |
Command | Description |
Start (CTRL+F5) | Starts the current sequence. |
Debug (F5) | Starts the current sequence in debug mode, halts at each activity having a breakpoint. |
Breask (CTRL+ALT+Break) | Breaks the current sequence in debug mode only. |
Stop (SHIFT+F5) | Stops the current sequence. |
(Corner button in "Execute" group) | Opens the Project Settings dialog box of the current project. |
Clear Trace | Turns "Clears trace before starting a sequence" ON/OFF. |
Toggle Breakpoint (F9) | Sets/Clears a breakpoint on the selected activity. |
Clear all breakpoints (CTRL+SHIFT+F9) | Clears all the breakpoints in the solution. |
Step over (F10) | Starts the current sequence, halts at each activity, skips the called procedures. |
Step to (CTRL+F10) | Starts the current sequence, halts at the next selected activity. |
Step out (SHIFT+F11) | Finishes the current sequence (and steps to the next activity below the ProcedureCall calling the sequence, if any). |
Step in (F11) | Starts the current sequence, halts at each activity, also gets into the called procedures. |
Execute of combo-box | Sets the execution (Start and Single-Step) according to a scope (e.g. if the runtime scope is set to "Solution", the Startup Project shall be started or debugged). |
Target Platform combo-box | Sets the current platform to Dotnet/Java. |
Project | Opens the Project Settings dialog box of the current project. |
Editing File | Opens the Screen Mapping editor to edit the current selected screen mapping file. |
Builder Checker | Opens the Builder Checker application. |
Revision combo-box | Select the Builder Checker version. |