Open Test Framework  
Version Control


This page will give you a short introduction of the Subversion (SVN) feature in the OTF. The OTX documents may be used and revised by many people. The version control may be the most suitable solution for managing the changes. In the OTF, the Subversion manages OTX documents and packages, and even a project or the whole solution, and the changes made to them, over time. This allows you to recover older versions of your data or examine the history of how your data changed. With this tool the users may avoid problems when working concurrently - and perhaps even simultaneously on the very same documents.

The OTF supports uploading your projects or solutions to a Subversion server (repository), or performing Subversion tasks with the files in a repository. This feature is supported by the TortoiseSVN (a free open-source Windows subversion client for the Apacheā„¢ SubversionĀ® version control system).

The OTF setup files do not include the TortoiseSVN, you have to install it separately. See here for the setup files.

Adding a Solution (or a project) to Subversion

To add a solution (or a project) to Subversion, please proceed as follows:

  1. Right click on the solution node (or the project node).
  2. Select Add Solution to Subversion menu entry (or Add Selected Project to Subversion menu entry).
  3. In the URL of repository combo box, enter the URL of the repository or you can select from the combo box if there already exists any URL.
  4. In the Import message text box, enter the messages.
  5. Click OK button.
  6. Enter the Username and the Password (You can also check the Save authentication check box so that you do not have to input the username and the password next time you perform SVN tasks).
  7. Click OK button.

Checking-out a Solution (or a project) from the Subversion

To check out a solution (or a project), please proceed as follows:

  1. Click on the "Check out all" button in the "Version Control" tab of the Ribbon.
  2. In the "URL of repository" combo box, enter the URL of the solution folder (or project folder) in the repository. You can click on the "..." button on the right to open the "Repository Browser" (username and password may be required) where you can browse and select a solution folder (or project folder) in the repository.
  3. In the Check out directory combo box, enter the path of folder to check out files. You can click on the "..." button to browse and select folder in your computer. Note that the folder should have no content!
  4. It is recommended to leave the other settings the same but you can also adjust them as you want (see here for more information).
  5. Click OK button.
  6. After the Progress dialog box has finished, click OK button.
  7. Now you can load and use the SVN solution (or project) in the OTF.

Updating Changes

You can update a document, a package, a project or a solution to the lastest revision. Please proceed as follows:

  1. Right click on the node you want to update e.g. a package node (If you want to update all solution, you can also click on the button Update all in the Version Control tab of the Ribbon).
  2. Select Update to lastest version menu entry.
  3. At this step the repository may require to input the username and password, input the required information and click OK button.
  4. After the Progress dialog box finished the process, click OK button.

To update an element to a particular revision, please proceed as follows:

  1. Right click on the node you want to update e.g. a package node.
  2. Select Version Control (Subversion) menu entry, and then select Update to revision... menu entry.
  3. Enter the revision you want to update, or click on Show log button to select a revision (username and password may be required).
  4. You can adjust the other settings as you want (see here for more information).
  5. Click OK button.
  6. After the Progress dialog box finished the process, click OK button.

Committing Changes

You can commit the changes in a document, a package, a project or a solution to the repository. Please proceed as follows:

  1. Before committing the changes, it is recommended to save the changes and update the element to the lastest version, see UpdatingChanges.
  2. Right click on the node you want to commit changes e.g. a package node (If you want to commit all the changes in the solution, you can also click on the button Check in all in the Version Control tab of the Ribbon).
  3. Select Commit... menu entry.
  4. At this step the repository may require to input the username and password, input the required information and click OK button.
  5. In the Message text box, enter the message about the changes.
  6. In the Changes made pane, check the on the changed nodes which will be committed (You can see and modify the details of the changes by double clicking on the node).
  7. You can adjust the other settings as you want (see here for more information).
  8. Click OK button.
  9. At this step the repository may require to input the username and password, input the required information and click OK button.
  10. After the Progress dialog box finished the process, click OK button.

Reverting Changes

The Undo command in the OTF only supports to undo each single change and it can only undo the changes with elements within a document. With the Subversion, you can undo (revert) all the changes to a document, a package, a project or a solution in Subversion since the last update. Please proceed as follows:

  1. Right click on the node you want to undo changes e.g. a package node.
  2. Select Revert... menu entry.
  3. In the Message text box, enter the message about the changes.
  4. Select all the elements that you want to revert (see here for more information).
  5. Click OK button.
  6. After the Progress dialog box finished the process, click OK button.

Subversion Commands Summary

To perform the Subversion tasks on a document, a package, a project or a solution in Subversion, right click on the corresponding node in the Solution Explorer and select the desired Subversion command in the context menu. Below are the short descriptions for the Subversion commands in the OTF:

Command Description
Update to lastest version Updates the node and all sub-nodes to the lastest revision.
Commit... Commits the changes of the node to the Subversion.
Diff... Opens the TortoiseMerge window look at the code differences between two revisions of the same file (see here for more information).
Revert... Reverts all the changes of the node back to last update.
Version Control (Subversion) > Add... Adds the nodes and its sub-nodes to the version control.
Version Control (Subversion) > Add to ignored list... Adds the node and its sub-nodes to the ignored list which will not be subject to version control (click here for more information).
Version Control (Subversion) > Remove from ignored list... Removes the node and its sub-nodes from the ignored list.
Version Control (Subversion) > Show log Opens the Revision Log dialog box to show the revision log of the node (see here for more information).
Version Control (Subversion) > Repository browser Opens the Repository Browser dialog box, locates the node in the repository (see here for more information). You can also view the current project (with the project node or sub-node selected in the Solution Explorer) in the Repository Browser by clicking the "SVN Project Manager" button in the "Version Control" tab of the Ribbon.
Version Control (Subversion) > Check for modifications... Shows log about which files have been changed and committed (see here for more information).
Version Control (Subversion) > Revision graph... Shows where branches and tags were taken from the trunk in a graph or tree structure (see here for more information).
Version Control (Subversion) > Update to revision... Updates the node and all sub-nodes to a specific revision (see here for more information).
Version Control (Subversion) > Branch... Opens the Branch/Tag dialog box to isolate changes onto a separate branch (see here for more information).
Version Control (Subversion) > Switch... Opens the Switch dialog box to transfer the changed data from the desired branch (see here for more information).
Version Control (Subversion) > Merge... Opens the Merge dialog box to merge range of revision or merge two different trees (see here for more information).
Version Control (Subversion) > Export... Copies the node and sub-nodes to a new location without the .svn directory.
Version Control (Subversion) > Relocate... Opens the Relocating dialog box to rewrite all URLs that are associated with each file and folder with the new URL (see here for more information).
Version Control (Subversion) > Lock... Opens the Locking dialog box to acquire a lock to the node (see here for more information).
Version Control (Subversion) > Blame... Opens the Blame dialog box to find what lines have changed and who changed specific lines in the document (see here for more information).
Version Control (Subversion) > Create patch... Opens the Create Patch dialog box to submit a patch file (see here for more information).
Version Control (Subversion) > Help... Opens the TortoiseSVN's help file.
Version Control (Subversion) > Setting... Opens the TortoiseSVN's Settings dialog box (see here for more information).
Version Control (Subversion) > About... Displays the TortoiseSVN's current version and other information.