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RuntimeManagerSearchPath Property

Gets or sets base directory for all relative path specifications.

Namespace:  OpenTestSystem.Otx.Runtime.Api
Assembly:  OpenTestSystem.Otx.Runtime.Api (in OpenTestSystem.Otx.Runtime.Api.dll) Version: (
public string SearchPath { get; set; }

Property Value

Type: String



The OTX search path (OTX-Home) determines the base directory to which all relative path specifications refer. It can contain several directories separated by semicolons (";") and the placeholders "?" (One arbitrary character) and "*" (any characters). You can also use the placeholder [ProjectDir] (e.g. [ProjectDir]/*) with the following semantic:

ScopePath which [ProjectDir] refersSample path
Within OTFDirectory of the project inside OTF solutionC:/Users/NN/Documents/Open Test Framework/OtxSolution1/OtxProject1
Runtime API uses PTX fileDirectory of PTX file locationc:/Users/NN/Documents/Open Test Framework
Runtime API uses OTX fileDirectory of OTX file locationc:/Users/NN/Documents/Open Test Framework
Runtime API uses binary file (DLL, JAR)Directory of the binary file locationc:/Users/NN/Documents/Open Test Framework

While file reading operations with relative paths, the runtime environment takes each directory starting from the left as a base for relative paths. If the file is found, the search is canceled.

For file writing operations with relative paths, the first directory is used. The first directory shall exists and shall not contain wildcards.

If no OTX search path is specified, the default value [ProjectDir];[ProjectDir]/.. is used.

See Also