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RuntimeManager Properties

The RuntimeManager type exposes the following members.

Public propertyDiagRuntimeSystem
Gets or sets Runtime System.
Public propertyDiagRuntimeSystems
Gets available Runtime Systems.
Public propertyDoipActivationLineDelayTime
Delay time in milliseconds after the ActivationLine has been set.
Public propertyDoipSelectedInterface
Selected interface in case of Diagnostics over Internet Protocol (DoIP)
Public propertyDoipSetImpliciteActivationLine
The ActivationLine can be set before a detection, which is necessary for some VCI Ethernet controllers.
Public propertyExternalAppPath
Gets or sets external application path. ExternalAppPath leads to a directory and must be an absolute Path. If ExternalAppPath is not null or empty, all OTX-Mapping will search assemblies in this path; Otherwise, OTX-Mapping will use their assemblies.
Public propertyFileSystem
Public propertyCode exampleHmiScreenHandle
Gets or set a windows handle (HWND) to display custom screens of the HMI extension.
Public propertyIsCommunicationTrace
Gets or sets if the creation of communication trace items is ON or OFF. The default value is ON (True).
Public propertyIsDoipSupport
Returns true if a valid interface is selected
Public propertyIsVariablesTrace
Gets or sets if the creation of variables trace items is ON or OFF. The default value is ON (True).
Public propertyIsWriteTraceFile Obsolete.
Gets or sets OTX-Runtime Tracing status.This switches ON/OFF (true/false) the tracing of OTX-Runtime, which is useful for error detection inside OTX Runtime. Default value: true. This property is obsolete, please use TraceLevel instead.
Public propertyJavaRuntimeParameters
Gets or sets the command line options to start a Java Virtual Maschine (JVM)
Public propertyJavaVM
Gets or sets the path to the Java VM.
Public propertyMaxExecutionMemory
Gets or sets Maximal number of megabytes used by a runner process. The default value is 200
Public propertyMaxIdleExecutionCount
Gets or sets if the number of maximal existing free runner processes. The default value is 5.
Public propertyMinBinVersion
Gets minimum version of the binary file that the OTX Runtime can handle. Is in the OTX Runtime.
Public propertyOutputFolder
Gets or sets directory where all temporary, by the OTX-Runtime created files are stored. Default value: "[CurrentUser]\AppData\Local\Temp\emotive\OTX-Runtime\".
Public propertyCode examplePackages
Gets top packages
Public propertyPlayerProject
Gets information from loaded PPX
Public propertyProjectName
Gets the project name.
Public propertyProjects
Gets project names.
Public propertyProjectSettings
Gets the project setting.
Public propertyProjectVersion
Gets the project version.
Public propertyRdfPath
Gets or sets the path to the MVCI-Server configuration file (MVCI-Server.rdf).
Public propertyRemoteTimeout
Gets or sets Timeout for each remote communication in milliseconds.
Public propertyRuntimeImplementation
Gets or sets the runtime platform which doesn't depend on the design flatform.
Public propertySearchPath
Gets or sets base directory for all relative path specifications.
Public propertySelectedProject
Gets or sets selected project.
Public propertyTraceFileFolder
Gets or sets directory where the trace files are stored. Default value: "[CurrentUser]\AppData\Roaming\emotive\OTX-Runtime\Tracing\".
Public propertyTraceLevel
Gets or sets OTX-Runtime Tracing Level. Default value: ERROR.
Public propertyTypeCode Obsolete.
Sets type code, 0 is C++, != 0 is not C++ - This property is obsolete. It has no functionality! The runtime manage it automatically.
Public propertyUseExternalAppPath
Gets or sets external application path is used.

If true, using external application path (central directory). Otherwise, using applications for the OTX mapping locally (within the project).

Public propertyVersion
Gets the file version of OTX-Runtime API.
See Also