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How to use your own Logging implementations

Via the OTX-Runtime API it is possible to use a customer specific Logging implementation. Doing this, the user can log into it own logging ressource.

The following table lists all related OTX elements with its counterpart in the API:

Simple example to use an own implementation for WriteLog activity.
this.rtManager.WriteLogPerformed += new OpenTestSystem.Otx.Runtime.Api.Event.WriteLogPerformedHandler(rtManager_WriteLogPerformed);

void rtManager_WriteLogPerformed(SeverityLevels logLevel, string target, string message, string rawMessage, bool isImplicit)
    this.AddOutputRow("WriteLogPerformed(" + Enum.GetName(typeof(Types.SeverityLevels), logLevel) + ", " + target + ", " + message + ", " + rawMessage + ", " + isImplicit.ToString() + ")");