Open Test Framework  
Test Explorer

With the help of the Test Explorer, the TestCases in Unit Test Projects can be executed. The Test Explorer lists all TestProcedures with all TestCases found in the current solution and displays them in a structured manner. The user can run all, some or just a single TestCase. The results of the TestCase execution as well as the duration and the memory are clearly displayed. Each execution can create a test protocol, which can be displayed in the Test Protocol Explorer and compared with other executions. The following section describes the Test Explorer.

Note: You can also run a test procedure just like an OTX procedure. In this case TestCases will be not executed. This is useful for debugging purpose.

Note: If the window is not visible, it can bis switched on inside "Display" tab.

Control Type Description
Expand All Button Expands all TestCases.
Collapse All Button Collapses all TestCases.
Start Button Executes all selected TestCases.
Stop Button Stops the TestCase execution and creates a protocol.
Current TestCase Label Displays the current executed TestCase and the elapsed time.
Ok Button Displays how many TestCases were executed with results Passed.
Failed Button Displays how many TestCases were executed with results Failed.
Ignored Button Displays how many TestCases were executed with results Ignored.
Note: Ignored means, that the TestCase was executed, but the result of the TestCase will be ignored, if it not passed, e.g. because it is in development.
Inconclusive Button Displays how many TestCases were executed with results Inconclusive.
Not Executed Button Displays how many TestCases were not executed.
Deactivated Button Displays how many TestCases were deactivated.
Note: Deactivated means, that the TestCase was deselected inside the TestExplorer and therefore not executed.
Disabled Button Displays how many TestCases were Disabled.
Note: Disabled means, that the TestCase was not executed.
Select Button Selects the current displayed TestProcedure inside the TestExplorer.
Delete Button Delete all TestResults inside the TestExplorer.
Implicit Break Point SwitchButton If selected, the execution will implicit stopped at the location where a TestCase not passed.
Note: Only in Debug mode!
Create Test Report SwitchButton If selected, a TestReport will be created.
Save Button Saves the current TestResults as a TestReport.
Note: The TestReport directory can be set inside Test Reports.
Open Button Open the TestReport directory.
Test Cases Tree TreeView Lists all TestCase found in the current solution.
Parallel Column TreeColumn An icon shows whether the TestCase is executed in parallel or sequentially.
Runs Column ("→") TreeColumn Displays the number of runs.
Result Column TreeColumn The result of TestCase execution. Possible values are Passed, Failed, Ignored or Inconclusive.
Note: If multiple test runs are executed, the result is overwritten with the following order: Failed > Inconclusive > Passed Ignored.
Duration Column TreeColumn The duration of TestCase execution.
Note: Average value for multiple executions.
Memory Column TreeColumn The used memory of TestCase execution.
Note: Average value for multiple executions.
Marked As Column TreeColumn A TestCase can have a Result Ignored but it can also be marked as Ignored inside the TestCase, because the TestCase is still in development. This columns distinguish both situations.
Description Column TreeColumn Description of the TestCase in case the TestCase was not passed.
Note: Each TestCase can specify an optional description in case the TestCase is not passed.

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