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Welcome to the OTX User Reference Guide

The OTX User Reference Guide provides information about the Open Test Sequence eXchange format OTX, see ISO 13209, which the user needs to work with the standard.

Icons Note.png It is not the intention to replace the standard specification! It is the user's perspective at the OTX standard.

Please select one of the main topics below for further information.


OTX Introduction Introduction into the OTX standard ISO 13209
OTX Principles OTX Principles
OTX Naming Conventions OTX Naming Conventions


Packages OTX Packages
Documents OTX Documents
Imports OTX Imports
Declarations OTX Declarations
Visibilities OTX Visibilities
Validities OTX Validities
Signatures OTX Signatures
Parameters OTX Parameters
Procedures OTX Procedures
Comments OTX Comments
DataTypes OTX DataTypes
Validation OTX Validation (OTX Checker)
Actions OTX Core Actions
Terms OTX Core Terms


Assertion Ensuring otx sequence quality
BlackBox Base data type
BusMonitoring Collection of communication data at runtime
ComInterface Handling of communication interfaces and Diagnostic over IP
CommonDialogs Provide support for dialogs that have common use cases in OTX but were not included in the original specification
DataType User-defined structure and enumeration data types
DateTime Diagnostic Application DateTime
DiagCom Extension for vehicle communication
DiagComPlus Support of different ECU responses for hex service and com channel controlling
DiagConfiguration Configuration of project and vehicle information
DiagDataBrowsing Diagnostic Vehicle Information DataBase
DiagDataBrowsingPlus Extension for the DiagDataBrowsing extension
EventHandling Controls of event of the diagnostic sequence
EventPlus Support for deep change monitoring in a ByteField, List or Map
ExternalServiceProvider Provides actions, terms, events and data types for an access to external services.
File Extension for accessing to and handling files
Flash Flash data acquisition and flash job creation
FlashPlus Enable late binding of flash files
HMI The Human Machine Interface
i18n The internationalization extension
Job Extension for supporting access to the MCD 3D Job API
Logging Provides functionality which allows for explicitly writing log-messages to a logging-resource.
Math A collection of mathematical terms
Measure Basic measurement and control operations, e.g. to call a method in a DLL
Persistence Extension for storing and recovering the value of a variable
Quantities Extension for unit definition data model
Sql Read and write access to a SQL data base
StateMachineProcedure Description of a behavior model with states, transactions and actions
StateVariable Mechanism to transport status information to the environment
StringUtil Extension for operate strings type
TestResultHandling Evaluated and structured storage of result Information (e.g. for statistics) from test sequences
Util Addition to the base functionality of the Core
Xml Read and interpret XML documents, modification of existing and creation of new documents
ZipHandling Compressed data exchange