Open Test Framework  

The OTX ControlFile contains all information for a structured OTX Procedure execution. The ControlFile is a powerful solution for process safe execution of OTX Procedures in productive environments.

Important: An OTX ControlFile is an abstraction layer for the target system dependent description of individual and stand-alone executable test steps (OtxProcedureCall) and their linking in a test sequence (ControlSequence). Processing conditions can be defined and the results can be saved.

OTX Procedures contain the test logic standardized according to ISO 13209. They can be individually parameterized and executed via the OTX Runtime API. The OTX Runtime API does not provide functionality for the structured, sequential execution of multiple OTX procedures as well as the evaluation and logging of the execution results. This is the task of the OTX ControlFile.

The OTX ControlFile describes sequential and parallel execution of several preconfigured OtxProcedureCalls through the OTX runtime API. The OtxProcedureCalls are structured as sequences with defined execution conditions. The OTX ControlFile can be configured at design time in a target system-neutral manner using a ConfigFile, see ConfigFile. In addition, the results of the OtxProcedureCalls (runtime) can be logged in a ResultFile, see ResultFile.

Note: Only OtxProcedureCalls and ControlSequences can be executed.

Note: An OTX ControlFile never contains exchangeable test logic. This is the task of OTX.

Note: The ControlFile replaces the so-called playlists in the OTX Development Environment and the Open Test Player.

Related Topics:

OTX ProcedureCall

In addition to the ControlSequences, OtxProcedureCalls are the main elements of a ControlFile. An OtxProcedureCall describes a parameterized OTX Procedure. There can be several OtxProcedureCalls with different parameterizations for the same OTX Procedure. All OtxProcedureCalls are stored in the ControlFile.

** Note**: The OtxProcedureCalls can be edited via the OtxProcedureCall Editor.

Control Sequences

In addition to the OtxProcedureCalls, the ControlSequences are the main elements of a ControlFile. They contain the flow logic.

** Note**: The ControlSequences can be edited via the Control Sequence Designer.