OTX Reference  
OpenTestSystem.Otx.Core.Declarations.GlobalDeclarations Class Reference

Global declarations More...

Public Attributes

GlobalConstantDeclaration constant
 Declares a global constant More...
ContextVariableDeclaration context
 Declares a context variable More...
ExtensibleGlobalDeclaration declaration
 Declares a global extensible variable More...
StateVariableDeclaration state
 Declares a state variable. More...
DocumentVariableDeclaration variable
 Declares a document variable More...

Detailed Description

Global declarations

The global declaration block is the place where global identifiers for constants, document scope variables and context variables will be declared. For each type of global declaration special rules apply as specified in the following. Globally declared identifiers are visible for every procedure and validity term defined in the same document, but they can also be imported by external documents for cross-document usage, see Import element. The counterparts of the global declaration block are the local parameter declaration block used by signatures and procedures and the local declaration block used by procedures. GlobalDeclarations allows for declaring an arbitrary number of global constants, document variables and context variables (by utilizing <xsd:choice> [1..*]).

Member Data Documentation

◆ constant

GlobalConstantDeclaration OpenTestSystem.Otx.Core.Declarations.GlobalDeclarations.constant

Declares a global constant

◆ context

ContextVariableDeclaration OpenTestSystem.Otx.Core.Declarations.GlobalDeclarations.context

Declares a context variable

◆ declaration

ExtensibleGlobalDeclaration OpenTestSystem.Otx.Core.Declarations.GlobalDeclarations.declaration

Declares a global extensible variable

◆ state

StateVariableDeclaration OpenTestSystem.Otx.Core.Declarations.GlobalDeclarations.state

Declares a state variable.

◆ variable

DocumentVariableDeclaration OpenTestSystem.Otx.Core.Declarations.GlobalDeclarations.variable

Declares a document variable